If you had a choice which would you choose, a mind, emotions, heart filled with Anxiety or the Peace of God guarding your mind or heart? It seems a stupid question, doesn’t it. But how often do we make that choice bowing down to one – anxiety and rejecting the Peace of God by disobeying what God says to do in Phillipians 4:6!

Anxiety is a temptation to distrust and so dishonor God. It is not the follower of Christ’s master. You do not have to bow down and accept its evil. “For sin shall not be master over you.”-(Romans 6:14)

  • “Stop habitually being anxious” is grammatically how Philippians 4:6 is written and it is a command, not a suggestion.

And then Paul tells them what to do instead, to turn to God in EVERYTHING by prayer,… petition,… thanksgiving, let your {specific} requests be made known to GOD!” … petition,… thanksgiving, let your {specific} requests be made known to GOD!” -{Read Philippians 4:6}. And to do so takes faith in what He says as True, is trustworthy because He is and has the power and integrity to fulfil His promise of “the PEACE OF GOD will Guard your Mind and heart in Christ Jesus!”-{ Read Philippians 4:7}.

The mistake we often make is to be taken so up with the anxious problem and we forget to pray or we don’t believe “it” works. And if we do pray then we think that God is obligated to do what we ask Him to do in and with the circumstance. He may or He may choose not to. But what He does promise when we reject worry and instead turn to Him in prayer with thankful hearts-and we have reason to such as, Thankful for His Person, Promises, Power, Providence, Pre-Emienen etc, He promises Peace! Peace in the circumstances be they unchanged, or if He changes and delivers us from them. Sometimes He delivers from the trials, sometimes He imparts sustaining Grace for us in those same circumstances should He choose not to deliver from. But, either way, He promises PEACE. The Peace of God to guard your mind and heart! That’s His promise to you! Peace.

Anxiety robs us of peace. Peace of God overcomes and replaces anxiety in our mind and heart! It Protects and guards us!

It comes down to A CHOICE to obey Anxiety or the Almighty. Trust our feelings or His Word- the Facts! As revealed In Philippians 4:6-7

Anxiety or Peace of Heart? You have a choice, you have God Himself reveal in His Word how you may experience the Peace of God for your mind and heart!

  • “Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God. And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours].”-(Philippians 4:6-7 Amplified Bible.)

God bless
