Day 19- Reading through Luke’s Gospel. Today is Chapter 19.


Take Time. Make Time Tto Do Good To People.

Jesus made time for people;
By that I mean He Took time for people on His way to the Cross! With that in mind read Luke 19 and note how He did so, for example He made time for Zacharias… How did he do so? What did He do to prove so? He took time to reach out to others.
As you read note and Name who does He reach out to in Luke 19? He reached out and met induvidusks needs and another way was He took time to teach kingdom truths for life. What did He teach them and why?
Jesus was still taking time, making time to DO GOOD for people while on His way to the Cross. He knew what lay ahead of Him but it did not stop Him loving people on His way there.

How can you make time, And take time to DO GOOD for the people in your life today?

What teaching can you share with them –

it doesn’t have to be from behind a pulpet or Sunday school class or teaching in a Bible study … but in an informal way? What have you read, heard , for examples using Luke 19… you can begin with “ Do you know what I read …” and share. It may open a conversation. It may be a word from Scripture that can meet them where they are at. As Jesus was about His Father’s buisness so can you and I today whether it is taking people to the LORD in prayer, taking time to stop and share and care about their eternal destination or sharing what you have read… as a means to lovingly care for them!

Take time. Make time. Invest in people.

People are important –

we often take time and make time when someone dies through writing a note of confolance or to go to the funeral. We takę time we maje time to do so. We tend to prioritize … let us prioritize them while they are living. We can get so busy we don’t make time or take time for the people who come across our path.
* Sometimes it can be With such a thing as our “lists” of what we want to accomplish that can “blind” us and get in the way of taking time and making time for people! Our “ lists” instead of burn a “ guide” can “ govern” us and we become irritated if someone gets in the way of us fulfilling the list. God sometimes interrupts our “ lists” of to “do’s” with… people whom He died for!
On the way to the place of crucifixion. Jesus shows His love for people. He made time,and took time to meet them in their need like Zaharias… you can’t same a soul but you can share how a soul can be saved!

Take time. Make time to Do Good for people!

God bless,
