DAY 17 – Reading Trough The Gospel of Luke. Chapter 17. OUTLINE

Here is a brief OUTLINE… hope it will encourage you.

1.- The seriousness of causing another to sin-( v 1-2)

2.- How Many Times Should You Forgive? Repentance and Extending Forgiveness -( v 3-4)

3.- Mustard seed faith -(v 5-6)

4.- Doing What is Expected of you -(v7-10)

5.- 10 Lepers Healed-(v 11-14)

6.- Thanksgiving Glorifies God-(v 15-18)

7.- Faith Commended-(v19)

8.-The Second Coming Foretold -(v20-24)

A.- False Reports of His Coming-(v23

B- Be Sure He Is Coming

9.-The Cross Foretold-(v25)

10.-Don’t be Surprised by the Surprise …

A.-Remember Noah’s Days.- (v26-27)

B.- Remember Lot’s Days.- (v 28-31)

C.- Remember Lot’s Wife.- (v32)

11.- The Choice of Your Life; Seek to save your life you lose it. Lose it you save it; -(v 33-36)

12.- Judgement Will be final!-(v37)

** What does Luke specifically reveal about Jesus in this Chapter? Which verses? Take that truth about Him and praise Him!

Hope this may be of some benefit to you.

God Bless,
