Below is a brief outline of Luke 13 that I hope may be of help to you and others…

1.-Unless You Repent You Will Perish – v 1-5

2.- Parable of the Fig Tree-v 6-9

3.- Sabbath Healing versus Sabbath Abuse: placing a day before the welfare of a sick woman; v 10-16

4.- Jesus humiliates “law keeper”,Opponents. Crowd rejoiced over things He has done!- v 16

5.- Comparing the Kingdom of God to…

A.- Mustard seed

B.- Leaven…- v 18-21

6.- The Narrow “Door” Of Salvation – v 22-

A.- Time Sensitive; There is a Cut Off Point – v 23

B. – Opportunity closed- v 25-26

7.- When the LORD says “Leave Me Alone!”- v 27

8.- Weeping And Gnashing Of Teeth- v 28

9.- Who Are In The Kingdom- v 29- 30

10.- Jesus continues His Ministry despite warning and threat of death!- v 32-32

11.- Jesus Predicts His Death- v 33

12.- Jesus Names Jerusalem’s Sins- v 34

13.- Jesus Willingness to Receive and Jerusalem’s unwillingness to Repent.- v 34

** Jesus Warns Over Jerusalem’s Unwillingness to Repent – v 34-35

14.- One Day the unrepentant Will Bless The LORD!- v35

God Bless,
