Luke Chapter 23.



Characters To Consider mentioned in Luke 23

OBSERVATION. When Studying the Scripture. Take your time and Ask questions as you read concerning them. Get your answers only from the Scriptures, dont insert what you think, but take only from the Scriptures so as to be true to rightly dividing the Word.

Today as you read Take your time, don’t speed read, if you can..pause and take your time and do an OVERVIEW and BIBLE OBSERVATION STUDY take notes by observing such as…

WHAT is the Chapter about?

  • CHAPTER HEADING. Describe in a sentence or two and write at the top of the page to describe what the chapter is about. Give it your own Chapter Heading, So that it would be easy for you to remember to also share with others,

WHERE are they? Place, city, etc?

WHAT is the occasion- Here it is the trials…of Jesus… { if studying other passages ask this question…does the passage you are studying mention, such as the sabbath or a feast, such as a wedding at Cana… then you would look up Cana {John 2:11} at that time to learn about the place, customs of people… }

WHO are the main characters mentioned in the chapter.

WHAT are the characteristics revealed about them?

WHAT is their relationship, attitude, and actions toward Jesus?

HOW DOES Jesus Respond to His accusers,

Read the chapter and write out a biography – a description of each category mentioned for example, the Chief priests, crowds, Pilate, Herod, soldiers, Simon of Cyrene, Women who follow Jesus, thieves on the cross, disciples, Joseph from Armithea, Jesus, etc.

  • Read it and gather every mention or reference to the characters you are seeking to learn about.

Of all the different characters mentioned in this chapter, begin to build a case study on them, observation. For example ask of the verses where mentioned, Who are they? What is said about each of them? What do they say? What do they do or not do? How does Jesus respond? What does He say, or do?

PROOFWRITE YOUR OBSERVATIONS with a verse or verses beside your answer so as to back up what you are saying and where you are getting your answers from. {The past few days I have attempted to do so if you would like to look back at those to give you an idea of how to do so, if that would help}

Some characters to consider…


Pilate testified three times to the innocence of Jesus but caved into public opinion! Knew the truth- what was right but chose to reject the truth about Jesus and in doing so chose to sin – do wrong. He subjected himself to The majority of voices. Cowardly! -{Read 3-4,6; 13-24}


Herod longed to hear Jesus. He had loved hearing John Baptist speak but when confronted with his sin chose to give in to his lust and had John beheaded. -{Read Mark 6:14-29}. He wanted to meet Jesus but abused Him- {Read 7-12;15}

Herod and Pilate were brought together that day and became friends. -{Read v 12}; What united them? Jesus…! United to reject, oppose Him, and ultimately miss the opportunity to repent! Some people today in society may have nothing in common it appears but their disdain, opposition, rejection, and refusal to submit to Jesus Christ!


Jesus is REJECTED…substituted – Exchanged for a murderer- Barabbas. It looked like crime prospered at the expense of The life of Jesus! Such is the insanity of sin that people would rather have a murderer walk the streets than the Son of God! One who would commit evil and murder a member of society versus one who came to save the souls of society. -{Read v 18-19; 24-25}

The Chief Priests, Rulers, and The Crowds ;

Hatred – hatred – hatred. Scripture teaches that What is in the heart comes out of the mouth.-{Luke 6:45}. Words are a mirror of the heart. If you squeeze a tub of toothpaste toothpaste comes out from what is within. And what was in the heart of the people was evil and evil words came out of their mouths – they demanded Jesus be crucified- that was what was in their heart and came out of their mouths. -{Read 1-2, 4-5, 10-11; 18, 20 etc};



Here is something that is obvious from reading the chapter, Jesus did not RESIST the Cross. He didn’t attempt to run away, or physically resist. He already had submitted His will to the Father’s will- which was the cross in Luke 22:42.


Serving from the cross “… this day you will be with Me in paradise.” Reaching out from the place of suffering. When one of the two criminals acknowledged his own wrongdoing, sin to the other man who was being crucified he appealed to Jesus and even in His hour of suffering not just the horror of painful physical suffering but being separated from His Father. He extends mercy. Jesus left this world…loving to the end!-{Read v 39-43}


The last thing Jesus did on the cross? Was by faith entrust His soul into the care of His Father. From His coming all through life to His death, He lived a life of submission- obedient faith from His coming to His death. -{Read v 46}

  • Hope this brief outline on doing a part of Bible OBSERVATION Study will be of help to you and a blessing to others as you do your own studies and share what you have seen from His Word to apply to your own life and to be of help to others.

God Bless,
