“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life — John 3:16
It was a warm Saturday evening as I walked up stairs, the sun light was coming through the windows and it felt good. As I walked up the stairs I could hear singing coming forth from six year old Evan’s room. As I peeped in I saw him sitting on the floor holding a purple two – stringed guitar and playing it with his left hand! And with eyes closed and singing with the top of his voice, “Open the eyes of my heart Lord, open the eyes of my heart, I want to see YOU, to see YOU HIGH AND LIFTED UP”
At this point in his singing he would stop playing his guitar- or beating it I should say … and With uplifted hand for effect would point to the roof and sing “to see YOU High and Lifted Up…”
I listened to him sing this little chorus over and over, and when he stopped I asked him about the boxes that surrounded him. he told me they were his drums and then he pointed to one box which was his pulpit, that one held his Bible so he could “PWEACH” from {He cant pronounce his “r’s” so instead of “Preach” he says “p-weach”]
I told him that was good and asked did he know any Bible verses, as its pretty good to know some if your going to “p-weach.” He thought for a few moments and then looked at me and began to say proud fully, “John 3:16, For God so loved the world He gave His only FORGOTTEN Son….”
It was hard not to smile as he misquoted and said “FORGOTTEN “instead of “Begotten…” But it got me to thinking how easy it is to “FORGET the Son”
At Christmas time- a Time that is supposed to remind us of His Birth, His Coming, we seem to have FORGOTTEN THE SON, in all the present giving and the stresses, and at times loneliness as we focus on what we do not have, what we should have or what we wish we had … and in the words of Evan we have ,” FORGOTTEN the SON”
Jesus CAME to …
1. – SAVE YOU FROM YOUR SINS – MATT 1:21 – ” She will bear a Son; and you shall call His Name Jesus, for He WILL SAVE His people from their sins.”
2. – To REVEAL THE FATHER TO YOU – Matt 11:27 –“All things have been handed over to Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to REVEAL Him.
3. – TO DESTROY THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL – 1 John 3:8 –“The Son OF God APPEARED for this purpose to DESTROY the works of the devil.”
4. – TO GIVE YOU ABUNDANT LIFE –John 10:10 – “The thief Comes only to steal kill and destroy: I CAME that they might have LIFE AND LIFE ABUNDANTLY.”
5. – TO BRING YOU TO GOD 1 Peter 3:18 – “For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might BRING US TO GOD, having been Put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit; “
I can still see 6 year old son on that warm Saturday afternoon, looking around to see if he could remember a verse to “Pwe-ach” from and saying with gusto as he finally remembered, “John 3:16 -For God so loved the world He gave His only FORGOTTEN SON…”
Paul gave young Timothy a charge in the midst of stressful times which would be good for us to pay close attention to 2 Timothy 2:8 “REMEMBER JESUS CHRIST, RISEN FROM THE DEAD…”
TODAY, THE LOVELY AND POWERFUL LORD JESUS, is no longer in a manger as a baby, nor is He a carpenter, nor is He hanging on a cross but He is ALIVE and the WORD of God testifies concerning JESUS who
1. – CAME to SAVE you from your sins, who
2. – CAME to REVEAL the Father to you
3. – CAME to DESTROY the works of the devil, who
4. – CAME to give you ABUNDANT LIFE, who
5 .- CAME to BRING you to GOD
This very JESUS, whom many of us have “Forgotten”, the Bible says in Revelation 19:11-16 concerning Him, that
REV 19:11-16 -“And I saw Heaven opened, and behold a white horse and He who sat on it is called, Faithful and True, and in Righteousness He judges and wages war, His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head, are many diadems; And He has a Name written in Him which no one knows except Himself, He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His Name is called the Word of God, and the armies which are in Heaven, clothed in fine lines, white and clean, were following on white horses, From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron, and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty And on His robe and on His thigh, He has a Name written,”King of Kings and Lord of Lords”
Oh dear friend, in the midst of the pressures of the season as well as the pleasures, Let us not FORGET THE SON. I am mindful of a friend who’s little boy at asked him what he was getting for Christmas and his father reminded him, “IT’S NOT YOUR BIRTHDAY!” No, he was not trying to be rude or disheartening BUT he was trying to teach his little boy a valuable lesson for LIFE- This Life is About the Son of God and the Glory of God … too often we fall into the trap of worshipping the “season” society desires for us which we know that they too have “FORGOTTEN THE SON” in the midst of their “celebrations” But too Often we are conforming to this world’s values and we forget CHRISTMAS IS ABOUT CHRIST- AND THE CRUEL DEATH HE WOULD SUFFER TO SAVE WICKED AND EVIL SINNERS LIKE … YOU…AND ME… IN ORDER TO SATISFY THE HOLINESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD… JESUS CHRIST WAS BORN FOR A PURPOSE-TO DIE FOR OUR SINS….
1. – THINK ON THE SON-Why did He come? For whom did He come for? Memorize the above verses. Perhaps write them on a 3 by 5 card and carry the with you and when you have a free moment look at it and MEDITATE upon Gods Word. Remind yourself of Him.
2. – TALK TO THE SON – Ask Him to help REMIND you of Himself and the REASON FOR THE SEASON- IS HIMSELF…ask Him to help you Celebrate His Coming and to help FOCUS upon Him, and be used to do so in the lives of others.
3. – TELL OTHERS OF THE SON- Using the above verses as a way to share
4. – THANK GOD- That “He so loved He gave his only BEGOTTEN SON…”