“Troubles” are inevitable, “when,” not “if” but “when” you encounter trials. -{James 1:2}.
Troubles of “various” types.-{James 1:2}.
Troubles are “common” not exclusive to you or me alone. -{1 Cor 10:13}.
But in our troubles we are offered hope from His Word to know God is sovereign, He is in complete continuous, unbreakable control, -{Read Psalm 135:6; Matt 28:18;2 Chron 20:6} and working all things including this very thing you or I am encountering for our ultimate good and His honor, {Rom 8:28-29} and to know Him better {Phil 3:8,10} and change us by conforming us to the image of Christ and enabling us to spread His Fame and Name in the circumstances we find ourselves in -{Phil 1:12-14; Matt 5:16}.
Troubles can be a platform for change, not only in our lives but in the lives of those whom we encounter in our circumstances, reaching out to them for His sake!- {Read Phil 1:12-14;Phil 3;8,10}
Troubles can be a platform for strengthening and maturing our faith-{Read Rom 5:3-5; James 1:2-5,12}
Placing our troubles in His hands will never be wasted as we follow Him. Troubles are not always a sign of God’s displeasure as some would wrongly believe, that if they are following the LORD they should be kept from pain, sorrows and troubles of any kind as a sign of their “superiority” as “good” Christians, piety. But not so, Jesus said “in this world you will have TROUBLE” but note the hope He gives in the rest of that verse, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”-{John 16:33}. Paul, Peter, Jesus, Stephen, Timothy and others faced troubles, does that mean God was displeased with them as though troubles were “punishment” and a sign of His displeasure? Not so!
Troubles are inevitable, come in various types are not exclusive to us as though no one else has them but troubles do not ultimately triumph, though at times we may succumb to them but Jesus has and will triumph in these troubles as He uses them to His end among which are He is making a man or woman of faith and using them for His Name, spreading His Fame as He did with among others Job, ” Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.”-{Job 1:8}; or Timothy whom the Scripture says was “frequently sick” easily intimidated and young so that people would give no credence to his words because of his youth, yet Paul testifies of him “I have no one else like him, who will show genuine concern for your welfare. For everyone looks out for their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. But you know that Timothy has proved himself, because as a son with his father he has served with me in the work of the gospel.”-{Phil 2;20-22}.
Timothy’s “Troubles” did not hinder him from seeking the good of others- seeking their welfare and the promotion of the Gospel.
In your troubles look who is around you to serve, pray for, love, and reach out to. As Paul and Silas were in trouble and placed in a prison yet Divine LOVE triumphed and a jailer and his household came to know Jesus Christ because as God was Sovereign in Paul and Silas Troubles and using them for His good.., so too He is Sovereign over your troubles and has and will use them for His Good, His Name and Fame. Paul in prison said, “I Paul the prisoner of Christ FOR the sake of you Gentiles.”-{Eph 3:1}. Paul was in those circumstances for the sake of OTHERS! He knew this, His view was Higher and he looked at his troubles through the Lens of God’s Sovereign love…for others!
Troubles are Platforms for Comfort; As used in 2 Cor 1:3-4. Out of your “afflictions” the word speaks of great pressures, crushing, God who comforts us in our afflictions, commissions us to comfort others, one reason He comforts us is to know Him more intimately and to be used of Him more compassionately. “…who comforts us in all our affliction SO THAT we will be able to comfort those who are in [a]any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”{2 Cor 1:3-4}.” Note God comforts is in “all” not just some but “all” inclusive of afflictions we go through this is HOPE, the certainty that in our pain, distress, troubles God will keep His promise to comfort us in “ALL” our afflictions and then note the words “SO THAT” He commissions us to comfort others who are crushed with the comfort He has comforted us with.
Did you ever think that even at this moment through your own sorrows, hurts, and troubles that God is equipping you to be a comfort for someone else!
You can say, “I have troubles but God is Sovereign over my troubles and these too will work out for good and His Glory and the benefit of others.”
Troubles may change your circumstances but don’t allow them to change your perspective – Your assignment is still Loving God and Others! {Read Matt 22:37}.
Keep living by faith in Him seeking His Kingdom – 🙂