THE CHRISTIAN AND “STEROIDS.”- {Read 2 Thess 3:1-5}
Paul uses the Greek word “STERIZO”- where we derive our English word “steroid” from, when using the word “Strengthen”-{v3}. While “steroids” in the natural realm can help they can also be dangerous. They can be used to make a person stronger and to combat a danger such as inflammation.
In the Spiritual realm we are “strengthened” -{sterizo} inwardly by God who is Faithful in our difficulties, trials, temptations! And there are no bad side effects to His “strengthening” us in our inner person to strengthen us to obey Him and resist dangers of an “evil” foe, {v2}…or that would seek us to sin against Him.
“Strengthened,” includes in it the idea of stability! The call is for us to TRUST HIM, because He is TRUSTWORTHY. So, in times of troubles know He who is Faithful will manifest it by Strengthening you …and Protect you from the evil one.
We have His “Strengthening” when we are tempted to sin and we need not succumb-{Read 1 Cor 10:13}.
- He “Strengthens” us as a result of our Suffering -{Read 1 Peter 5:10}.
- He “Strengthens” us in our trials, difficulties and when facing evil – {2 Thess 3:3}
- He “Strengthens” us inwardly by the Holy Spirit-{Read Eph 3:16}
- He “Strengthens” you with His POWER,”God will strengthen you with His own great power so that you will not give up when troubles come, but you will be patient -{Read Col 1:16 NCV}
Paul was writing to believers, ENCOURAGING them to pray continually for the SPREAD of the Gospel and the SAFETY of those who SPREAD it so they could continue to do so.-{v1}. He warns them of the DANGER of those who oppose the Gospel and “the evil one.”- {v2-3}. And then ENCOURAGES them with the FAITHFUL LORD WHO promises to “Strengthen and Protect them from the evil one.”-{v3}-
You Too, “In Christ,” have the PROMISE of “The FAITHFUL LORD...” to be Spiritually, INFUSED supernaturally, Strengthened INWARDLY by the Faithful LORD who saved you, He will STRENGTHEN you… Now, that is Great News!
Hide This Verse of PROMISE In Your Heart… and be Able to Share With Others…this PROMISE from the FAITHFUL LORD…who is Trustworthy!
“Faithful is the LORD, and He will STRENGTHEN you and protect you from the evil one.” -{2 Thess 3:3}-