The Psalmist in Psalm 150:1-6 gives 13 commands to praise the LORD, to boast in Him and sincerely shower Him with gratitude … and one reason in verse 2 is “…ACCORDING TO HIS EXCELLENT GREATNESS.” He has just spoken of praising Him for His “Mighty deeds,”
Again note, “His excellent greatness,” just like His “Mighty deeds” is not divorced from Him! It is Him in action, Him on display. He is not an “it” or a fatalistic faith or “luck,” or happenstance that is in operation, but a Person, the LORD God, as revealed in this Psalm. Believers do not worship, praise, or are not called to walk with an “it” or something or unable to be “known,” but with a Person, the LORD! His design and desire and “mighty deeds” including His mercy, graciousness, love in making Himself known to people worldwide. Creation surrounds us and speaks of the Creator and points to Him,” The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.”-{Psalm 19:1}. “He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them. 5 Great is our Lord and abundant in strength; His understanding is infinite. 6 The Lord supports the afflicted; He brings down the wicked to the ground. 7 Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; Sing praises to our God on the lyre, 8 Who covers the heavens with clouds, Who provides rain for the earth, Who makes grass to grow on the mountains. 9 He gives to the beast its food, And to the young ravens which cry.”– {Psalm 147:4-9}. Note, His power, and His knowing all the stars and naming them all, and how He communicates through Creation, the vastness of it all is known intimately by Him as is the humblest hurting one whom He knows and helps. Nothing or no one unknown un-cared for by Him! He is Great in His Being, All-powerful, and yet with All His Power we see not only the powerful Hand to create but the tender compassionate hand to care! He is Excellent and Great in His Being. All-powerful, all-knowing, Compassionate, revealing Himself in creation to us as well as through His great deliverance of the Israelite’s in their history. He reveals Himself to us in His Word, by His Spirit, His Son, His Cross, Resurrection, the new birth to us. And those whom the Psalmist writes to in Psalm 150 are told to recall His “Mighty deeds” and in turn praise Him continually and now the call is to consider, contemplate and celebrate His “Excellent greatness!” His Person! Who He is. As great as His “mighty deeds,” they are but a reflection of Him, they are not Him in His totality which is incomprehensible to us, so great is He in perfection! He is excellent, without flaw, He is perfect and great!
“Excellent Greatness,” or ‘Greatness of greatness ‘ which speaks of… who He is. He is greater than all in His being and surpasses all that He has done, will do, for it is an expression of Him but not Him in all His splendor, and greatness!
And the response is to obey the command to continually PRAISE the LORD for His excellent greatness!