Are you facing a great difficulty? A “mountain” before you? A problem so big that You can see no way through it, no way to overcome it, the “great impossibility?” Pray and end your praying with, “Nothing Is too DIFFICULT WITH YOU!” {Jer 32:17.} End with HIM! Often we fail to do so. We may begin our praying with Him, but soon the problem, “the great impossibility” looms and consumes our thinking where our faith, which He prizes is slowly evaporated and we are left with focusing on our own resources, or lack. We are left with looking at the problem through our own understanding and soon like a fog that begins to role in and cover the fields , like a blanket, we are left with “the great impossibility,” leaning to our own understanding and since we cannot figure it out, we wrongly conclude it cannot be done! We fail to end with Him. We fail to end with “NOTHING IS TOO DIFFICULT WITH YOU!”

“If You had only been here,” The sister said her brother would not have died… if He had only been there, The “Great impossibility” before her. Death had won. “But God…..”Nothing Is Too Difficult With You” stood before her. He who is the Resurrection and the Life. He called Lazarus forth from the tomb and death was swallowed up and defeated “…for whatever pleases Him he does “{Psalm 139:6}

When Moses and the people stood trapped as it were, Pharaohs murderous army advancing rapidly behind them and the Red Sea before them, Trapped! God was not shaking for “Nothing Is Impossible With You” was about to do the “impossible!” He opened the Red Sea having told Moses to “go forward,” and they all walked across on dry land as the Sea stood to attention in obedience to Him with whom, “Nothing Is Too Difficult With You.”

Are you in a Trial and like Paul you have sought an answer for deliverance and instead you find yourself Not Delivered “But God,” has DISPENSED sufficient Grace for you to sustain and endure the trial not somehow but with sufficient Grace to sustain you and show Himself to you and through you as one whom God is displaying Himself through and you stand and show forth His strength and sufficient grace, a trophy on display to Him and others because, “Nothing Is Too Difficult With You,” is on display! It is an amazing thing to See someone who is CONTENT in suffering or difficulty. It is Other worldly! It is not natural. It is supernatural! {Read Phil 4:12-13}

Has God failed them? No, God has chosen to display Himself to and through this one, whose faith rests NOT ON DELIVERANCE but on GOD HIMSELF. The Goal IS NOT deliverance but intimacy with knowing Him better,{Read Phil 3:8,10} AND THAT HIS NAME , FAME BE PUT ON DISPLAY. The GOAL is The Glory Of God, and whatever way He chooses to do so in a life, RESIGNED to Him is THE BEAUTY OF A CONTENTED LIFE. It is not passivity, but a vibrant faith, that accepts whatever comes from His hand and the cry though at times through tears says, “Not my will. Your will be Done, Father Glorify Your Name…”

* We often RESIGN to the PROBLEM Rather than to the PERSON – God Himself!

While we often misunderstand the ways of God and have a presupposition that God HAS to work in a certain way, the way we want and demand if we are honest, and If He doesn’t, we conclude…He has failed! We set ourselves up as all wise, all knowing, indeed we play “God,” and so the disappointment leads to bitterness towards Him, and our failing to understand that we have been bought with a price, and His glory the end in the matter and in our lives through His dealings with and through us is the chief end!{Read 1 Cor 6:20},  To see Paul with a painful “thorn” and embrace the LORD in it and gladly boast that in his weakness, the Lord would show Himself strong, his contentment with Christ was how? “Nothing Is Too Difficult With You.” He can give a soul CONTENTMENT WITH HIMSELF and Not change the circumstances but change the perspective of the suffering one with whom He is satisfying with Himself, and His sufficient GRACE! For you see, for Paul, it was not deliverance but Christ Himself, The All Sufficient One, who had captivated and captured and CONTENTED his heart, for “Nothing Is Impossible With You.”

From the outside it may appear God had failed, but He had not as 2 Cor 12:7-10 shows that He can satisfy a soul with Himself and not deliver him or her from a difficulty but DISPENSE SUFFICIENT GRACE TO SUSTAIN, SATISFY THEM …”Nothing Is Too Difficult With You!” He shows Himself strong through Sustaining and Satisfying a soul in difficulty with HIMSELF! This is a great testimony to HIMSELF! WE OFTEN MEASURE God and the faith of a soul through the false concept that God MUST ACT IN A CERTAIN WAY- THE WAY OF DELIVERANCE ‘FROM,’ AND FAIL TO SEE THAT GOD WHOSE WAYS ARE NOT OUR WAYS, IS ALL WISE, GOOD AND ULTIMATELY CONFORMING A SOUL TO THE IMAGE OF His dear Son.- {Romans 8:29}. And sometimes He keeps a soul “in” great difficulty but He never leaves or abandons them, but strengthens them to stand triumphantly through dependence upon Him and His sufficient Grace dispensed we see God with whom “Nothing Is Too Difficult With You,” in action!

**We Often Focus On the DELIVERANCE from the Problem and Lose sight of GOD! Deliverance becomes the end and Not GOD Himself!

We often conclude if there is no deliverance there is something wrong with the person, something wrong with their faith. Was this not true of Job’s friends. We think if a person had more “faith’” or if God was pleased with them He would deliver them. We wonder “What is wrong with them?” Because we falsely believe the “goal,” is their deliverance, healing etc, rather than God being glorified and the soul being conformed to the image of Christ. We start off with a false assumption as our basis and view of how this should play out. If that does not happen, the way we think then we come to a false conclusion as “our” objective is not met! So we tend to stand off from the suffering one, the person in great difficulty as though they have the plague. We begin to think lowly of them. We nay even accumulate and gossip and slander them behind their backs. Sound familiar? Have you ever noticed be it in yourself or others, that though you may or they may have been praying for the person in great difficulty, when they are not delivered the immediate  belief is something is wrong with them, never something is wrong with us, our praying!! We like to pass the buck quickly and make sure there is no trace that it could be us! Hmm… well, maybe that thought is for another time…Let’s skip right on, shall we….

** If “Deliverance” is the end, and not deliverance for His glory, then “deliverance” is Idolatry. For It displaces Him as the end, and anything or anyone that seeks to displace Him is idolatry!

Whether HE DELIVERS “FROM” or WHETHER HE SUSTAINS you “IN,”  know, and finish your praying with the affirmation of a faith focused on Him as an act of praise TO HIM, “Ah, Sovereign LORD, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too Difficult {hard} for You.”-{Jeremiah 32:17}

It may not change your problem, but it will change your perspective, ending Your Prayers with Him is ALWAYS the way to end. Are you ending with the great impossibility or with Him whom “all things are possible,” with? Present your difficulty, Resign Yourself to His will in the matter and end with “NOTHING,” including what you face, “NOTHING IS TOO DIFFICULT FOR YOU!”

Don’t end your praying with the seemingly “great Impossibility,” but With Him, Who is the GREAT ONE, in WHOM “ Ah Sovereign LORD… nothing is too difficulty for You…”