“Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing. Know that the LORD Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture…For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.” – {Psalm 100:2-5}
1. SERVE –WITH…SUBMISSION…! You can’t Serve Acceptably, apart from submission to Him! His purposes He will ultimately have come to pass, but as for you to seek to say you are serving him and unwilling to submit to Him, His Word, is to deceive yourself! Serve Him with and through your personal submission!
Serve Him because He is “LORD.” We are called to “serve,” which implies submission. The basic meaning of the word “serve” is “to till the ground.”
Note, our call to service is not part time but full time and the command is to “serve” a Person,- “The LORD!” He is “Shepherd,” and the passage says a “Good” – “Loving”– “Faithful,”– “Shepherd, whose love “endures forever!” -{v5.} How wonderful to have such a One to lead, guide, provide and take personal responsibility for…you.. for us, who are under His authority! Only sheep need a Shepherd. Everyone follows someone. Here the Psalmist says the LORD- Sovereign, self-existent, unchanging, promise-keeping providing One as Scripture depicts Him, is God- All powerful, Creator! And that He is “good” and “loves” us, and is “faithful,” is a place of safety for our soul, and to draw us out from self trust to Shepherd submission and trust and rest in His goodness and love that endures not just for a life time but all eternity- without end!
Here is each of our clearly defined objective for our lives, be we young or old. Whatever the circumstance or stage of our lives, we are to be about His business, serving Him. Doing our work heartily as unto Him, not for acceptance, but because we are accepted and are His through Creation and His through the goodness and Love of our powerful and tender Shepherd. He who is God in need of nothing or no one outside of Himself to sustain, who has Created all things by the power of His Word, Who is eternal, Sovereign King! He has created us, not we ourselves! The proper response and privilege, is to Submit to and Serve Him. Place ourselves under His authority as LORD to rule over us, Shepherd to guide us, care for us, lead us, instruct us. And the passage teaches He is “GOOD” and His “LOVE” is everlasting and “FAITHFULNESS to all generations!” It is one thing to have Power it is another to have consistent power that is Loving, compassionate. What a tender powerful Shepherd is He, our good, loving, faithful Shepherd! We are to serve Him. But how?…The Passage gives us some ways…
Serve the LORD with….
1. – Submission
2. – Gladness
3. – Song
4. – Knowingly – {Making Distinctions}
5. – As Creator
6. – As Shepherd
7. – Assuredly – {“We are The Sheep of His Pasture- “We Are,”…His!}
His Goodness
His Enduring Love.
His Faithfulness
These are but some ways revealed in this passage. Pause and Praise Him for each of these aspects! PRAY and Ask Him to remind you how He has shown you His goodness, love and faithfulness. Look in the Scriptures specifically to see these aspects displayed and use to meditate upon as fuel to trust Him, Praise Him and Share Him with others! “Oh Give thanks to the LORD, for He is Good!”you are