{Read Romans 5:3-5}

  1. Producing Proven Character –

We can get there because we know what God is doing according to Romans 5:3-4. He is “producing,” the word speaks of achieving and Paul says we”KNOW” the word means to be “fully aware.” God is not having His people guessing or playing some game like trying to find a needle in a haystack or a maze where you walk down one part and hit a dead end, and have to try to find your way back and if you can find your way out then he will tell you what He is doing. No, The Scripture says “The secret thigs belong to the LORD but the things REVELED belong to us and our children.”-{Deuteronomy 29;29.} God wants us to know His Will and it’s not listening for “voices” but as Martin Luther said, “If you would hear from god listen to Holy Scriptures.” His Truth, will and ways and promises and instructions, warnings are in His Word, so like the BEREANS OF OLD WE MUST SEARCH OUT THE SCRIPTURES TO SEE if these things be so! And indeed one reason we see for our tribulations, great pressures, and sufferings is that God may develop our faith and mature us spiritually. And He uses even troubles and sufferings to that end. The whole world knows sufferings and some, in the end, are of no spiritual value to them, but for the follower of the LORD Jesus as painful as they can and are, tear jerkingly so at times we “KNOW” is “FULLY AWARE, ASSURED” of what God is doing and ultimately producing as we submit to Him and trust His process, that even our sufferings are part of the “ALL things” He is working together for our Good. No, it may not feel good or look good but His promise is it will work out for good, in making us more like Christ ultimately, eternally good, but also temporally as He makes us more like His Son in the circumstances, the trouble we find ourselves in That’s Good news- Indeed Paul would show us from Romans 5:3-5 God’s News to the believers amidst tribulations and sufferings! Let’s have a look at the second element of what we “know” God is doing in our tribulations working for our spiritual welfare!

“PROVEN CHARACTER.”-Is one word, {Dokime}, it describes the quality of having stood the test,…speaks of something that has passed the test.

  • It was used of metals that were put through the fire and came out the other side as genuine, and authentic.
  • It is to put something to the test with the purpose of approving it.

“KNOWING” means “to be Fully assured” that suffering, and tribulations, produced perseverance, that is not overcome by the trials but overcomes them and continually goes forward, and perseverance produces “proven character,” that has been tested and the seal of God’s approval as passing the test!

The word speaks of metals that go through the fire to strengthen them. God uses suffering, tribulations, and pressures as the fire to strengthen our faith.

When you go through a test and by faith have responded so according to His Word, your faith becomes approved, it is genuine!You have been through the test, trusted His faithfulness, promises and…passed the test… and are approved by GOD!

The word is used of Timothy in Phil 2:22; “But you know of his proven worth, that he served with me in the furtherance of the gospel like a child serving his father.”

Also in James 1:12 ” Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved,{same word} he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.”

And also in 1 Peter 1:6 “In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof {the same word} of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ;”

  • We suffer and learn perseverance, and perseverance through many trials, suffering, “tribulations, great pressures, ” and our character is formed and approved. Revealed, Tested and Approved!

God bless,
