“But even before I was born, God chose me…” {Gal 1:15}
God “chose,” the word means “marked out.” God “marked out” Paul before he was born. The work of salvation and service began before Paul was in existence, independent of Paul. The Sovereign choice of God was not unique to Paul. It is used of Israel-{Deut 7:6} It is is used of David -{1 Sam 16:12}. it is used of Jeremiah- {1:4-5;} it is used of God’s people- {Eph 1:3-4;}, It is therefore used of YOU, since you are one of His people! Put your name in here ” Before I was born, God chose______!” Wow! unbelievable, but believable because God’s WORD says so! This is a glorious truth, a jewel in the crown of the believers spiritual blessings as mentioned in Ephesians 1:3-4, to celebrate God, to ‘Bless, praise, speak well of’ Him.’-{Eph 1:3}.
How amazing that God from before the foundation of the world should knowingly reach into the sewer of sin filled humanity, and pick out sinners and make them son’s and daughter’s for Himself.
Absolutely amazing to think of the graciousness of God, favoring His enemies and translating them from enemies to sons and daughters, adopting them into His family with all the benefits He lavishes upon them. Amazing grace as they add nothing to Him who is perfect, for He is in need of nothing or no one outside of HIMSELF. But here we see that he did not wait to see how Paul would turn out for He knew, he was dead in his sins, an enemy to God,a friend of this world, religious but no personal reality of a relationship with God. He was a “Pharisee” which means “separated,” yes, he was, but not to God! “But God…” before he was born had determined, marked him out for Himself. How humbling is that thought.
And as He did for Paul He has done for every follower including… you! Have you ever thought of the deep deep love of the Lord that before the foundation of the earth He set His heart upon you, “marked out” YOU to be His own! When did He do this? “…before you were born!” Phew, how deep is that thought. He, knowing you before you were born… knowing all about your moment of conception, birth, a baby, to a toddler to a child, teenager, adult. Knowing all about you in His perfect time convicted you of sin by His Spirit and showed you the righteousness of Christ and His provision for you of Himself. And when you came to Him, the joy, the peace the newness of life and then having thought it all happened at that moment.. to then realize God had planned this before that moment, indeed before the foundation of the world… and your testimony is not what you did, but what HE Did, as He is the STAR of Paul’s testimony, and the Star of yours too, where you too can testify,“But even before I was born, God chose me…” Oh the precious graciousness, kindness of God to you. Pray He helps you understand this truth concerning Him.
Indeed it is… MARVELOUS GRACE! EXTRAVAGANT GRACE. GOD’S AMAZING GRACE,KINDNESS UNDESERVED FAVOR TOWARDS YOU,ON DISPLAY! Before the foundation of the earth, God chose …YOU… for Himself! Amazing Grace! Amazing love of Almighty God!
“Marked out!” Think about that! You were not a second, or third choice or an after thought. You were planned By God before He spoke the world into existence, and as the centuries passed by to bring YOU into existence in His time, to know Him who had you “marked out” for Himself!
“See what an incredible quality of love the Father has shown to us, that we would [be permitted to] be named and called and counted the children of God! And so we are! “-{1 John 3:1-2 Amplified Bible}
Glory in Him, Boast in Him, Praise Him, Thank Him, Remind His People of what He has done for them. Share Him with those who not know this Gracious God!