“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”- {Eph 2;10}.
As beautiful as the stars and galaxies are which we see more closely through the lens, pictures, and are explained to us, yet for none of these did God send His Son for… but for you He did! In the midst of a cruel world where name calling, shaming, cruelty, is part and parcel of this fallen world, there is a value on you that is priceless and Poetic! Indeed a Masterpiece!
“The Greek word for a poet, poietes, comes from this same word. In reference to a poet, this Greek word would denote one who has the extraordinary ability to write or create a literary masterpiece. Because Paul uses the word poiema to explain what happened when you became a child of God, it emphatically means that on the day you got saved, God put forth His most powerful and creative effort to make you new. Once God was finished making you new, you became a masterpiece, skillfully and artfully created in Christ Jesus. There’s nothing cheap about you at all!”-{Rick Renner}
The word, “Workmanship,” The first 4 words Of the Greek word,{poema} spell P-O-E-M! It literally means “to make,” and was used in reference to a work of art, be it a song, statue, architecture, painting, poem. And it came to speak of a MASTERPIECE!. You are God’s Poem, God’s Masterpiece! You may say you don’t feel much of a masterpiece more of a catastrophe you think, or the evil one whispers as he accuses, and slams you and speaks of your worthlessness, “BUT GOD…” before the foundation of the world chose you for Himself and by His doing set His love upon you and through His great mercy, and loves, rescued you from the bondage of sin and saved you from the penalty of sin, the bondage of satan and saved you from GOD’S wrath {See Rom 1:17-22}. He saved you to Himself. Before “in the beginning God created…” He had chosen you for Himself, and He declares you are His work, handcrafted, by Divine love, His Poem, His Masterpiece.You are not a renovation but a “new creation in Christ”-{2 Cor 5:7}. God’s greatest masterpiece, is the Christian! “Sticks and stones may break my bones… BUT the Names God calls you will… NEVER Hurt you!
You are His Handiwork, His Poem, crafted by His Divine power to save and keep you and “His Masterpiece.” Angels long to look into the mystery of this redemption {Read 1 Pet 1:12}. The heavens we are told shout the Glory of God, “Glory, Glory, Glory, glory” they declare. But neither angels, stars, sun, moon, galaxies did God so love that He sent His Son to die for… but for you His beloved He did…and by God’s sole independent choice according to His Great love, He has chosen you for HIMSELF and says you are His “WORKMANSHIP,” AND He does not make junk! You are God’s masterpiece, that He is continually working in and through by His divine power and grace!
“HIS…” The word is emphatic! “We are HIS..” we are no one else’s. “we are HIS” and HIS alone by His doing. Exclusively His! HIS initiation, HIS creation, HIS Salvation! God has brought this new life into existence out of NOTHING! The SECURITY is we belong to HIM!
“There’s an important contrast between the English and Greek texts. In the English, this statement begins with “we,” but in the Greek it—in fact, the whole verse—begins with “Him.” Literally the verse reads: “For of Him we are a product.” The world says that each of us is a product of our environment or a product of our own experience. Even Christians have a tendency to think that way. But God’s Word declares that the believer is actually “THE PRODUCT OF ….GOD.” -{JD Watson}.
“WORKMANSHIP,” We get our English word Poem, masterpiece from.The word became a word that referred to a work of art! It refers to something that is constructed, manufactured, poem. Just as a poem is constructed, crafted of specially placed words, you are By God’s doing not only created once but twice, through creation and redemption and “in Christ” are His Poem, His Workmanship, His masterpiece!
You are HIS POETIC MASTERPIECE, you are not a piece of junk, useless, or any other lie the evil one would whisper or use others to call you. You are HIS MASTERPIECE, HIS POEM. God planned, designed and brought into being this new life for you through His SON, it was not an accident but with wisdom, power and love you are His Divine Appointment.You have been chosen, set apart, accepted totally, irrevocably through Divine love at the sole pleasure of God and you are His work of art, Divinely constructed, “In Christ!” His Poem, His MASTERPIECE.
Of all His Works in creation, of things seen and unseen, none did He offer up His Son to die, bear their sin and rise again ,but for sinners, like you whom He now bestows the word, “saint” upon! The angels cant understand it, but you can. God loves you, not because you are lovable in yourself, for none are but BECAUSE He set His love upon you. He set the value on you, the life of His dear Son! {Eph 2:4-5}. You are who God says you are and His workmanship, His constructed, master poem you are!
The words of the poem the artwork is the expression of the artist. Christ is the Artist, His the glory, and the outworking on the canvas of His work… is that we were created for “good works,” reflecting him, His character, goodness!
“Sticks and stones may break your bones, but the names God calls you Will NEVER hurt you.” You are His Workmanship, Divinely constructed, “HIS” Poem…. “His Masterpiece,” is who you are to Him. And after all, it is what He says of you which alone counts!
You are His Masterpiece, Divinely Crafted by the Creator and Redeemer! GOD’S POEM… HIS MASTERPIECE,
Who Are We?
“We are HIS Masterpiece…”
Who Are You?
“I am His Masterpiece” – Speak to yourself the truth
It has absolutely NOTHING to do with how you “feel,” Or what others say, But what HE SAYS.. You ARE Whom HE says You Are! …
Praise Him,
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