“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you;…”-{1 Peter 4:12}

The first thing Peter reminds the ones who are suffering and going through “fiery trials” is that they are “BELOVED” of God! They are the focus, and recipients of infinite affectionate love of devotion from God, Himself!! And nothing or no once can sever, change His attitude and Divine affection and devotion to and for them. For it is an eternal commitment by Him who does not break His promises! There is never a time when you are no longer His “Beloved!” And trials and suffering does not change that Peter assures them! He uses the same word in 1 Peter 2:11. Some translations say, “dear friends.”

” The Greek word agapao is used to speak of something that is beloved—TREASSURED—something so precious that the person (in this case, God) would be loath to part with it.”-{sermon writer}

You, in your trials need to speak truth to yourself, you are “Beloved of God”… and “accepted” wholly, completely, eternally “…in the Beloved!”-{Eph 1:6} -Your acceptance is in the Beloved Christ.

The Father said from Heaven, “This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” {Read Matthew 3:17}. Your acceptance is in Him in whom the Father is well pleased with…. and I love where at one stage the Father says “this is My Beloved...Listen to Him!”-{Read Luke 9:35}. And what do you need to hear and heed? That you are “BELOVED” of God” As the Father loves His Son, He loves… you! Not with an inferior love but the same love!

God could have used a different word, when using Peter to write, but He chose to use the same word with which He described His commitment, affection, devotion, prizing of His Son, when wanting to convey to them just what they meant to Him and what He thought and felt for them. They have all the love of His heart, none of it with-held, for they as you are “BELOVED!” Affectionately, desired, prized.

The Greek word translated “Beloved”– {Agapetos} is translated, “beloved, esteemed, dear, favorite.” How about that last word, “favorite!” It’s an action on behalf of the one doing the Loving, your part? “BE…LOVED!” You are the object, attention of His affection, pleasure, esteem, love, favor! “Beloved,” is a term of endearment and being devoted to someone! “Agapetos,” could be translated, “Divinely loved ones!” Think on it, you as are all His people, have His heart, His affection, devotion, pleasure, favor towards you!

What do you and the LORD Jesus have in common? You are both “BELOVED” By the FATHER!- THINK ON THAT!

“for the Father Himself loves you dearly because you love Me and believe that I came from God.”-{John 16:27 nlt}

Does this love KEEP us FROM Trials and suffering? NO! But the truth and thought of being God’s “Beloved,” can keep us at peace and rest IN the Trials and Suffering knowing we are nor abandoned, forgotten about or unknown about or unloved, for we are His “Beloved!” His “favorites,” :).  He uses trials to spiritually develop us spiritually {Read 1 Peter 4:12-19}, display Himself to us and through us and Testify to others -{Read 1 Peter 3:15-16} and Transform us-{Read 1 Peter 5:10}… but at all times in the process you remember whose you are and His evaluation of you, “BELOVED OF GOD!” eternally, intimately, affectionately so!

Peter calls them “Beloved,” and he too shows his heart for these dear suffering ones who are undergoing trials of various types.He shows his compassion, affection and tenderly lovingly addresses them. Do you know anyone of the LORD’S people suffering, going through a difficult time? Deal tenderly, affectionately, kindly, lovingly with them for they are God’s “Beloved!” Remind them they are the “Beloved,” of God.

Pray and ask God to help you see who you are from His perspective that it may influence your life to live as He views you and for you to be influenced to treat others in Christ who are His “Beloved…” – 🙂