-{Titus 2:14}
Think about what you or others are “enthusiastic ” about? For some it’s sports, “Their” team. They will go to great length, expense to go to a game or watch it. Taking time, making room in their schedule, re-arranging around the game so they can see it. It takes precedence. Buying jerseys, memorabilia, covering bedrooms in team colors. Studying the team, they can recite former players, stats, and are enthusiastic when defending their team. When watching a game from their home on TV, their enthusiasm is not curbed, they become emotionally involved, jumping out of their chair cheering, hooping and hollering on every play, ecstatic when they win, down cast when they lose, they don’t want to talk to others, Absorbed in themselves. Their lives are wrapped up in what they are enthusiastic about. For others it may be academic achievements or pursuits, for others it is materialism, their pursuit, the sacrifices they make, the long hours given, sacrifices made, sometimes even their family suffer as they pursue zealously, eagerly after the pursuit of materialism. What they are enthusiastic about tends to consume them, their thinking and deeds! That which they love, esteem, they tend to be preoccupied with and pursue passionately, zealously, eagerly, enthusiastically. Their faces light up when that which captures their heart is mentioned. They could talk all day about the subject!
WHEN God’s grace saves a soul then this same Grace, kindness, favor, power, works in the individual and something happens, they too become eager, zealous, enthusiastic…but for something else, motivated by Someone else… Listen in and note…
“For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for Himself a people that are His very own, EAGER to do what is good”-{Titus 2:11-14}.
“Eager to do what is good.” {“zealotes”} Zealot, Eager, “a zealot or an enthusiast,” is what the word means. Zealous for good works as a result of this saving grace that brings about change in an individual. To those who have been redeemed, brought out of the bondage of sin into a loving relationship with God the response is that they are those who are ENTHUSIAST’S “…to do what is good,” for His sake, not for acceptance but out of loving appreciation to Him! The Grace of God is working in and through them, they are alive to God and it is showing BIG TIME!
“Eager” the word also is “ZEALOUS, AN ENTHUSIAST” not half-hearted, cold-hearted, indifferent, put out by even the thought of helping someone else, especially if they will receive nothing back from it. It is an inconvenience an irritation at times to them. but the Grace of God produces a different attitude and action, one that is generous, gracious, kind, passionately, caring, lovingly, ZEALOUS,… ENTHUSIASTICALLY… living to do GOOD, that which is… beneficial…for others.
THINK on the effect of the Grace of GOD that teaches us… to be ZEALOTS… ENTHUSIASTS… TO DO… WHAT …IS …GOOD!”- {Read Titus 2:11-12}.
This “Good” is characterized by;
1.ENTHUSIASTIC – Acts of GRACE, kindness, generosity, eager, zealous as a life style! -{Titus 2:11-14}
2. ENTHUSIASTIC – Acts of LOVE { Sacrificial, unconditional deeds of Love} – “Let all you do, be done in love”-{1 Cor 16:10; 1 John 3:16-18; Gal 6:9-10}
3. ENTHUSIASTIC – For The GLORY OF GOD, the Motivation.- “… Whatever you do, do all for the Glory of God.”- {1 Cor 10:31; Matt 5:14}
Oh the depths of the God of grace towards us…and that WORKS in and through us… to the end…others lives… benefit!!
Such is the new nature and Character of the one who has received the grace OF GOD.
We read the LORD Jesus, “Went about DOING GOOD…”- { Acts 10:38}. We read about Tabitha “…Tabitha (which translated in Greek is called Dorcas); this woman was ABOUNDING with deeds of kindness and charity which she continually did…” She died and when peter came by…”…and all the widows stood beside him, weeping and showing all the tunics and garments that Dorcas used to make while she was with them.”-{ Read Acts 9:34-41}. The Believers while they have the “…opportunity… do good to all people especially those of the Household of God…”-{Gal 6:9-10}. We are NOT to with-hold good from those in need when it is within our power to help them – {Read Prov 3:27-28} We are to “LEARN” to habitually DO GOOD… and “meet URGENT Needs…”-{Read Titus 3:14}. We were created in Christ Jesus FOR… GOOD Works!- {Read Eph 2:10}.
The Grace Of God that saves us… is Transforming us… and that is a GOOD thing for… OTHERS...For they “All,” are candidates for our DEEDS of GOOD to them!
ENTHUSIASTIC, ZEALOTS…in ACTION, empowered by the Grace of God! …{Titus 2:14}
When His people live so they are REFLECTING the HEART Of THE LORD…JESUS... WHO WENT ABOUT “DOING GOOD…”WHO WAS FULL OF GRACE AND TRUTH”; “You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.”- {Acts 10:38}.
What does your Thinking, Pursuits show you are enthusiastic, zealous, eager for? Jesus says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. “-{Matt 6:21}.
What you treasure, value supremely, pursues, is a reflection of what your heart is FIXED on!
Christians in this world are and should be making a difference.
“In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.… “-{Matt 5:16}.