- Remembers them no more. Jer. 31:34.
- Covers them. Ps. 32:1.
- Removes them as far as the east is from the west, Ps. 103:12.
- Casts them behind His back. Isa 38:17.
- Blots them out. Isa. 44:22.
- Casts them into the depths of the sea. Micah 7:19.
- Pardons them. Jer. 33:8.
- Seeks for and cannot find them. Jer. 50:20.
- Erases them all on the Cross- Col 2:13-14
- Free from them – Rev 1;5
- Buries them in the Sea Of Forgetfulness -Micah 7:19
- Wipes them out- Acts 3:19
- Forgives Them All -Eph 4:32, 1 John 1:9