PROMISE…, – {Phil 4:19}
“MY “.. It is Personal, {“my”}…
“GOD,” {not ‘Bank manager’ or any other human…who can turn you down, or put you on hold, or not be able to meet, but ‘GOD’}…
” WILL” {no doubt about it}
“SUPPLY”-{guaranteed,} He has all the resources needed. Literally {fill – to the full).
“ALL” -{not some, a few, or maybe, or within reason or within limitations, , but “All” your
“NEEDS” – not greeds, but NEEDS
“According to His glorious Riches in Christ.” How”RICH” is HE?…. He owns it all, “The heavens and earth are His! His promise is sure, He cannot lie, He cannot fail. He is a cheerful, glorious loving,Generous Giver!
Look TO Him… Look FOR Him… to Supply!
* Your Need is your Opportunity to turn to Him and talk to Him, pray. Thank Him this need has made you aware of Him and turning to talk to Him and casting all of your cares upon Him who cares for you {1 Peter 5:7} .
* Thank Him… ask Him for a heart of thanksgiving to go with lips of thanksgiving!
* Thank Him for how HE supplied in the past {if you can’t remember ask Him to remind you so you can offer thanks to Him.}.
*Thank Him in advance that He according to His promise will supply your present need and countless others in the future. Make today a stream of constant thanksgivings offered to Him.
Today make it Thanksgiving Day to God.
A ‘Bouquet’ of Thanks to God!
Turn your Trial into Thanksgiving Day!
* Your Need is His Opportunity to display Himself to you and through you.
* Your Need is your Opportunity to encourage others of How HE HAS fulfilled this promise to you.
* Your Need is your Opportunity to encourage others to TRUST Him whom you have found again and again is TRUSTWORTHY!
Bonus? Thanksgiving and prayer is an “Anxiety Buster” and a means to peace of heart and mind! -{Read Phil 4:6-7}
Fill the air with Thanksgiving!
Meditate upon Him and His Promise today –{Phil 4:19} –
My thoughts come this morning out of my own personal trial, “BUT GOD… “ answered my prayer to help me remember how He has met in times past… My mind went back 29 years and time after time came to mind and all I could do was say, “Thank You Lord!” And the neat thing is Thanksgiving Glorifies HIM {Read Luke 17;15-17;} AND IS DOING HIS WILL. -{1 Thess 5;17-18}
So look at the GOODNESS and how God is working “ALL things including MY present need, for good. “-{Romans 8:28}…AS it has caused me to to turn to Him and include and Talk to Him– DO HIS WILL, and Glorify HIM... and I have a song in my heart… Phew, God is so so good to me! In the natural I should be panicking, anxiety filled, “But God…” has given me a song in my heart… amazing grace!! That’s Testimony to Him.
I am reminded as I write when I shared a trial with our children when they were twelve years old and younger as I was trying to teach them to turn the trials to prayers, one of them prayed, and I was reminded of this ,”LORD, THANK YOU FOR …THIS…TRIAL!” I am not sure what anyone else prayed, god does as He is the Audience , but I remember that coming out of one so young… and by His grace in this present trial I can say “THANK YOU LORD, FOR THIS TRIAL!” That is HIS Amazing Grace working in my life, at this moment.
Will I always respond so? I don’t know , but I DO KNOW based on His Word I have the power to ” God has granted us EVERYTHING for life and GODLINESS, through the True Knowledge of Him who called us to himself by His Glory and Excellence and given us …PRECIOUS AND MAGNIFICENT PROMISES….” to respond in a God honoring way. Pray I do, and mine do, as it honors Him, Glorifies Him and is doing His Will… and a testimony to Him!
“God is at work IN You to Desire and DO His good Pleasure.”-{Phil 2:13} “I CAN DO ALL THINGS through Christ Who INFUSES me with Strength.”- {Read Phil 4:13}. “My Grace IS {present tense } Sufficient”-{2 Cor 12:9}.Paul wrote this amidst great suffering… The word,”Sufficient” means, “ENOUGH and the implication of SATISFYING!! He Supplies grace, He Supplies Satisfaction. He supplies all of our needs… that’s HIS PROMISE… take it to the Bank Of Heaven and cash it in!
“Today’s trial is tomorrow’s testimony!!”
The first four letters in testimony are T-E-S-T… if we never had a test, we wouldn’t have a testimony !
Fill the air with Thanksgiving...
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever”- TRUSTWORTHY!! -{Heb 13;8}
“Count your many blessings name them one by one, count your many blessings see what GOD has done, Count your blessings, name them one by one, count your many blessings SEE WHAT GOD HAS DONE!”