“…and called me by His marvelous grace. …”
Paul acknowledges it is a work of Divine grace independent of all human effort or merit. This salvation originated with God and is solely “..according to the will of our God and Father to whom be the glory forevermore. Amen.”-{Gal 1:5}. God chose, God called, God’s will executed. Note it is all of God! Seven times in Galatians Paul uses the word “grace,”His Divine unmerited favor, kindness,power, to expose, confront the error of legalism and man centered philosophies with God’s MARVELOUS Grace!
The Book of Galatians can be divided into…
A.- The Gospel of God’s Grace- DEFENDED- chapters 1-2
B.- The Gospel of God’s Grace – EXPLAINED -Chapters 3-4
C.- The Gospel of God’s Grace – APPLIED- Chapters 5-6
Grace is…mentioned 7 times in the book in opposition to the lies of legalism as a means to be right with God! Paul gives God the glory for his salvation as he testifies of what God had done. “God called me…” and not because he saw some “potential” in him or some ‘merit” but because He chose to according to His grace into a new relationship and standing with Him! Grace is never based on a person’s “merit” for then it would not be “Grace,” if it could be earned, it would not be “Grace!” Grace is God in action. His love in action. Grace is God giving the sinner what he or she does not deserve and cannot earn, it is a gift based solely on the Graciousness of God through our LORD Jesus whose work makes it possible for God to extend Grace to us! Paul realized he was a recipient of the unearned favor, kindness, extravagant graciousness, generosity of God, the blessings He did not deserve, when he rightly deserved the wrath of God and cast into Hell. Yet, God had mercy upon Him, with-holding from him the punishment that he rightly deserved and this was Grace and saving him was all of grace as well. And Paul acknowledged it, gloried in it and testified to it! He knew it was all of God, His graciousness!