4 Promises To Instill Confidence In You!
” You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you SO THAT you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in My name the Father will give you. “-{John 15:16}…” This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be My disciples. “-{John 15:8}.
You can say based on His Word,
1. Confident You chose me that I bear fruit and It Remain. -v 16
2. Confident You answer my prayers in alignment with His Character. -v 16
3. Confident The Father is being Glorified in and through me. v 8
4. Confident there is Evidence of belonging to You, LORD Jesus Christ. {Based on the fruit you can say, my life is showing. Not perfection but a new pattern, a new direction. a New ‘fruit’ in your life.} – v 8
That is what the two verses above in John 15; 16 and verse 8 shows us. It is not arrogance but CONFIDENCE in Him, what He says and Promises as true for us. For He who promises is faithful, He cannot lie! This is what He has for… YOU!
My CONFIDENCE is in Him and what He says… what He PROMISES. THINK On the above 4 Promises, they are true for you, “In Christ,”. THANK Him for Him saving you and appointing and empowering you to bear fruit that will remain!
As apples trees produce apples, orange trees, oranges, so those in Christ produce the “fruit” of being connected with Him. We produce who we are. What is in us comes out. In Galatians 5 there is the fruit of the flesh, the life apart from Christ produces which is putrid then there is the fruit the Holy Spirit produces as we are in Submission to Him and His Word. We all produce “Fruit” that which is the pattern of our lives… Some of “the Fruit”…
The Scripture speaks of The…
“Fruit”of repentance,- {Read Matt 3:8};
“Fruit” of obedience,-{Read Matt 13:23};
“Fruit” of the Spirit,-{ Read Gal 5;22-23};
“Fruit” of Righteousness -{Phil 1;11};
“Fruit” of Soul winning,”– {Read Prov 11:30};
“Fruit “of Thanksgiving- {Read Heb 13:15-16}.
God produces spiritual fruit in our lives and what He starts He finishes -{Phil 1:6}.
He choose and appointed you to bear fruit and today you can be confident In Him to fulfill His promises! He who chose and appointed you has given you “DIVINE POWER for EVERYTHING pertaining to life and Godliness and precious and magnificent promises!”- {Read 2 Peter 1:3-4}
You can CONFIDENTLY PRAY, “LORD I know it is Your will I be spiritually fruitful today… so I look to You to fulfill Your promise in my dealings with those whom I ENCOUNTER and how I live with and before You, Thank YOU LORD For Your Provision and PROMISES for me.”