Three times in Matthew 6 Jesus mentions this phrase “Your Father who SEES what is DONE in SECRET will REWARD you.” –{Read Matthew 6:4,6,18}. He shares this to the disciples regarding their giving, praying, and fasting and how they are to conduct themselves differently regarding their MOTIVE to the religious of their day, whose motive was to be seen, and exalted by people, and that was their “reward!” There would be no “reward” from God, for they did not seek their approval from Him but from people. They did not seek His honor in what they did, but to be honored by the people. Again it gets down to their motive. And the LORD Jesus speaks to the disciples of how radically different they need to be in that in what they were to do in private, and to know it would not go un-noticed by their heavenly Father who not only SEES what they do in SECRET but gives a Promise that they will be REWARDED!

So, you too can be encouraged, don’t fear or lose heart that what you are doing in private goes unnoticed in Heaven by your Heavenly Father who SEES and promises He will “REWARD” you!

Take that to the heavenly Bank!

1.- REMEMBER your Father sees, knows, and will REWARD what you have DONE in private in regards your…


“so that your charitable GIVING will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.”– {Matthew 6:4}

2.- REMEMBER your Father sees, knows, and will REWARD what you have DONE in private in regards your…


“But as for you, when you PRAY, go into your inner room, close your door, and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.“-(Matthew 6:6}

3. – REMEMBER your Father sees, knows, and will REWARD what you have DONE in private in regards your…


“so that your FASTING will not be noticed by people but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.”-{Matt 6:18}

What you do may be unseen and unknown by others but not to your dear Heavenly Father…who promises He will reward you, so gracious is He!


Whatever you do in Private in regards Giving, Praying, Fasting, for His sake know He sees, knows, and will reward you!

Do your Giving… for His sake.

Do your Praying… for His sake.

Do your Fasting… for His sake.


“Your Father who SEES what is DONE in SECRET will REWARD you.” -{Matthew 6:4,6,18}


God bless,
