God is speaking about the New Covenant “in Christ” and His personal Assurance, “I will”…not remember your sins. It does not say God “forgets” our sins… it is not that God has “ amnesia”… He does not remember, that is not to say God has forgotten in that He has no memory of it. That is not so for He is all-knowing. But it is to say, –He does not hold those sins against you –NO, NEVER!
And Here is the Promise and Permanency of God’s forgiveness of your sins – when he says,” No more “(ou me) is a DOUBLE NEGATIVE which could be paraphrased as “ABSOLUTELY NO, NEVER WILL I REMEMBER.” When God says “No” once that is Enough- that settles it! But, He wants YOU to understand His willingness to “NO- NEVER HOLD YOUR SINS AGAINST YOU”- It is the GREAT IMPOSSIBILITY! God, based on the perfect, permanent, acceptable work of Christ on your behalf will NO NEVER hold any of your sins against you, because Jesus paid for each one- ALL of them – once and for all!
Our Great Need is forgiveness from God for we have all sinned against Him. “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,”-{Romans 3:23}. And in mercy through the perfect sinless sacrifice of Our LORD Jesus, He has provided the way that we can be forgiven through repentance towards Godand faith in our LORD Jesus Christ.
This is “shouting ground!”
If God does not hold your sins against you- NO, NEVER… then why do you hold them against yourself… and live in CONDEMNATION rather than CELEBRATION of Him who has promised, “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins NO MORE.'”-( Hebrews 8:12) -“NO, NEVER!”
Take comfort from His assurance- His Promise- is Personal and all-encompassing for Every believer- including YOU of the Permanency of His forgiveness towards you both now and for eternity! – Great News for you today… speak the truth to yourself.
But what happens when I “feel” I am not forgiven or when I confess the same sin over and over in the hope that God will see how committed and sincere I AM!- Now you have moved into SELF-WORKS trying to appease God with your own righteousness and not Christ’s. That is insulting to the work of Christ. You see, God has promised once and for all to NO, NEVER hold your sins against you. For He held it against His Son once and for all. And on the third day, He raised Him from the dead to show His full acceptance of His Son’s sacrifice on your behalf that has satisfied Him once and forever!
1.- READ – The WORD
2.- RECITE The WORD – to yourself from Hebrews 8:12 when your “feelings” lie to you about His forgiveness.
4.- RELAY God’s Provision and Promise of Personal Forgiveness to others to Participate and PRAISE HIM!
“For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.'”-( Hebrews 8:12)
Pass on this good news of Promise to someone today.
The Great Impossibility is two-fold. We cannot appease God in our own self-righteousness or any other way. Luke 18:27 But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”
The Great Impossibility is that God through the provision of our LORD Jesus will not hold your sins against you to condemn you to eternal Hell based on the work of the LORD Jesus on your behalf and as a result, it is IMPOSSIBLE for Him to ever hold your sins against you to condemn you to Hellas Jesus paid the price to purchase you and you are now adopted into the family of God, no longer treated as an enemy but a son, daughter of the Most High God- Amazing Grace!
God Bless and Praise Him and walk in His Forgiveness today- Permanent unending forgiveness through the work of our Precious LORD Jesus!
1.- God’s PROVISION has been made through the LORD Jesus Christ.
2.- God’s PROMISE is to you
3.- God’s Promise for you is PERMANENT.
4.- PRAISE Him.
5. –PASS this Great News on of God and what He Promises, “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.'”-( Hebrews 8:12)