“Even Though I Walk Through”-( Psalm 23:4)

“The phrase shadow of death is used eighteen times in The Bible (half of those in the book of Job). It is a colloquialism used to represent the most dire of circumstances. The most dangerous.

The valley conjures imagery of being trapped, surrounded by obstacles. There is no easy way out. These two together, the valley of the shadow of deathdenote the worst that circumstance has to offer.

David says that even though I walk through these most terrifying of circumstances, I fear no evil. Why is David unafraid? Because the shepherd of peace is with him. For you are with me.”-{TheBibleSays.com}

The valley of difficulty, is but an opportunity to walk through it with a Person. God designs the valleys, determines the length, depth of each valley. Each valley is but another opportunity- as painful as the process may be to learn to walk with and walk through the valley with The Shepherd of your soul the Lord Jesus.

So what is your particular “valley” today dear friend of the Lamb? Does He not know? Does it seem as though He does not care, or has forgot you? A thousand arrows of darkness assaults the mind of the Christian but we choose to believe our unseen Savior and we know that we WILL walk through this particular valley and with each valley as wearying as they often can be, we can learn to trust Him for the next part of the journey because our Shepherd is teaching us to trust in Him who alone is reliable!

This same Shepherd once became a Lamb for you- slaughtered, offered up as a sin sacrifice in your place, and His offering accepted by God and on the third day He arose victor over the grave, satan and sin, and now lives to be your SHEPHERD. So you can say, in any and all valleys,“The Lord is MY Shepherd, I shall not want…He is with me, His rod and staff to COMFORT me.”-

There is hope in this particular valley for there is God in every valley you will ever encounter, to lead and guide and comfort you to continue and enable you to walk through the valleys, for He is with you and “You’ll never walk alone!”

God Bless,
