“WE ARE THE SHEEP OF HIS PASTURE.” – {Psalm 100:2-3}

Serve the Shepherd! Follow Him. Only “sheep” need a Shepherd. And the LORD God is your Shepherd. 4 Reasons to serve Him…Note;

1, – HIS POSSESSION, “ we are the sheep of His pasture.” He has possessed us for His own. Poor wretched souls, wandering with false shepherds leading us astray, He came and purchased us with HIS Blood to be His. We belong to The Good Shepherd.

2.- HIS PROTECTION. Look also at the security in this verse! “We are…” This is a settled issue from God’s perspective and He desires for us to “KNOW,” He is our Shepherd and He is responsible for us. Not “we wish,” or “we were” but “we are.” Blessed assurance! Spiritual security, stability for the heart and mind, in these words of His protection for us to know, “we are.” He has marked us out for Himself. We are compared to “sheep” which are helpless and easily scared and in need of a Shepherd, and there is none as good as “THE LORD…GOD.” V 5 tells us “… the LORD is GOOD and His love endures forever!”

3. – HIS PERSON. What is He like? How would the psalmist describe him? The Psalmist gives us the assurance “we are…His sheep.” We belong to Him and we can know something about His character to trust in He is “LORD”- Sovereign King. “God” The self-existent One in need of nothing outside of Himself, for He is all knowing, powerful. He is “good.” He is “Loving” and this love is neither whimsical or short term but “endures forever.”His is a settled forever love towards you!

4. -HIS PROVISION – “THE SHEEP OF HIS PASTURE”  — Or, as the Hebrew may be rendered, the flock of  His feeding, whom He takes care of and provides for.He that made us, maintains us, and gives us all things richly to enjoy. For the Lord is good — Infinite in goodness, and therefore doeth good. His mercy is everlasting — Is a fountain that can never be drawn dry. His truth endureth to all generations — And no word of His shall fall to the ground as antiquated or revoked: his promises are sure to all the faithful, from age to age.”- {Benson}

5. “KNOW”– make the distinction that the LORD GOD rules, reigns. Know Who He is. Know what He is like. Serve Him with your submission, with gladness and song, celebrating Him as Creator and that He is responsible for you as your Shepherd. Rest Assuredly in your Good Shepherd who is the LORD GOD. You are His… Rest in Him.

The Shepherd was his Security and Satisfaction, this He desires to be to you and me. By faith submit to the Good Shepherd and allow Him to be all in all to you.

“Things that once were wild alarms 
Cannot now disturb my rest; 
Closed in everlasting arms, 
Pillowed on the loving breast. 
Oh, to lie forever here, 
Doubt and care and self resign 
While He whispers in my ear, 
I am His, and He is mine.
While He whispers in my ear, 
I am His, and He is mine.“- {Irish pastor, George Robinson 1838}


{From The Message,”The Sheep Of His Pasture,”-Psalm 100:2-3}