Nehemiah was familiar with the warfare when he went forward in the will of God to encourage God’s people to rebuild the wall. Enemies, in the form of people sought to stop him, and he reveals the enemies tactics and purpose of the attack. He wrote, “They tried to make me fearful, in order to discourage me that the work might stop.”
Fear. Discouragement. Quit!
Note the order; fear first, it attacks the mind, effects the emotions. The purpose of injecting such thought’s, and it is a thought that it begins with, to seek to attack your faith in Him. Seeking to separate you in your thinking from His care, power, and sufficiency. To seek to inject fear into you as if you have “no God,” you are all by yourself in the moment. Fear seeks to make cowards of us all…and the enemies weapon against Nehemiah was -fear.
Abraham was afraid for his life and offered up his wife to save himself, “But God,” intervened! The disciples were threatened to “speak no more in this Name,” the Name of Jesus, again the weapon was “fear.” The goal of “fear,” Discouragement! To lose heart, and the ultimate end? “…that the work might not be done.”- QUIT! So the next time you seek to do His will, know the evil one uses the same tactics as he did with Joshua, “fear and discouragement,” and the LORD told him, “Be strong, Be courageous, do not be afraid do not be discouraged,” and the motivation was Himself, His assurance. “…for the LORD Your God is with you wherever you go!”
Think about fishing. If you are catching fish, you don’t change the bait. Why not? Because it is working. So if the evil one knows the way to get you to quit is to inject thoughts of fear, to dishearten you so you will stop seeking the LORD and His kingdom, what do you think he will do? He is a cruel, loveless tyrant, whose hatred for God is unparalleled, but he is under His authority, and God uses even his wickedness to train you to be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or discouraged for the LORD YOUR GOD is WITH YOU, WHEREVER YOU GO!”
You do not have to yield to the TEMPTATION of fear, or discouragement, for this is not His will for you. You have the power to choose to be strong, be courageous which you must to do His will. Knowing and thinking on and depending upon His Promises, “… The LORD your God is with YOU wherever you go.”
- Recognize the attack.
- Replace the thoughts with Truth about Him and who you are”In Christ.”
- Replay the truth to yourself. Talk the truth to yourself from His Word.
- Rely on the One who is LORD and with you and continue going forward in the conflict, knowing the enemies tactics of fear and discouragement are all to get you to quit! Too soon to quit! It is not His will for you….! He is Victor and what He calls you to, He will enable you! Go forward in faith focusing on Him, not ignorant of the evil one’s devices but not occupied with him, or succumbing to them as it was for freedom Christ set you free NEVER AGAIN EN-YOKED to a bond of slavery “-{Gal 5:1}. FOCUS ON HIM. GO FORWARD BY FAITH!
Have A Blessed DAY.