LOOK AWAY TO HIS PERSON – “…JESUS…,” who as a man, the God- man, was tempted as we are, yet He was without sin, He knows what it is like to be hungry, thirsty, betrayed, He knows the sting of betrayal by a “friend,” JESUS WHO was familiar with hunger and thirst…
Jesus who was familiar with temptation
Jesus who was familiar with fatigue
Jesus who knew about Pressures
Jesus who knew about betrayal
Jesus who knew about Suffering unjustly
Jesus…He knows what it is life to live upon an earth who despise the things of God, yet He ran the race and He won! LOOK TO HIS PERSON. He has been on the race course and He understands, the struggles and temptations. He knows how the “Race” is to be run.
He ran “By Faith…” trusting His Father to keep Him at His Birth, continually turning to Him in prayer {Mark 1} “By Faith…” trusting his Father…LOOK AWAY TO JESUS the “AUTHOR and Perfecter of our faith.” The Word “Author” can be translated “Leader.” He is in the lead, He is ahead of us, He shows s how to “run” the race with perseverance, “By Faith…” when Temptation comes {Matt 4:1-10}. He can show us where the obstacles are and remind us of the dangers, from His Word- {1 Cor 10:1-13}. “By Faith,…” looking away to Jesus our great High Priest who “empathizes” which means,”feels the very feelings,” you feel, in times of weaknesses and temptations.
Look Away to Jesus, rest In Him who understands, identifies and cares for you!