To try and personally count, and hold in your hand, each grain of sand, on all the beaches, deserts, would be to attempt the Impossible. How much more grander and infinite is God’s thinking concerning you. They are,”Precious thoughts,.. they cannot be numbered. Were I to count them they would Outnumber the grains of sand.”{Psalm 138:17-18}. How wonderful, infinitely good are His thoughts towards you. Let your mind “think” on but a few of His “Precious thoughts” towards you. If despair, anxiety, depression, hoovers over you like a dark cloud, THINK RIGHT… THINK ON TRUTH… THINK on this. YOU WERE IN HIS THOUGHTS BEFORE THE WORLD WAS CREATED; You are forever in His thoughts, never a point of a second, does He fail to think of you, He cannot nor He will not, fail to think about you with love {Jer 31:3}. You are continuously on His mind. Infinitely so. His Word says before you were born, indeed before your parents, grand parents, go back in your “family tree,” as far as you want, indeed go all the way back before God spoke the world into existence, and created the Heavens and the earth, the mountains, valleys, streams and seas teaming with creatures, before the first sunrise, before the birds flew in the expanse of the heavens and He placed people on this earth before all of that, His Word says that HE knew of you and had plans for you and that HE “… CHOSE YOU, In Christ… BEFORE the foundation of the world,” {Eph 1:4} – OH- “How PRECIOUS ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT ME. O GOD!” Before He said,“Let there be light…” He from eternity past, knowing you, all about you and selecting you for Himself, independant of any influence outside of Himself! How powerful, precious His love and thoughts towards you! “How precious are Your thoughts towards me, O God…!” Loved from eternity past!
You existed in the mind of God before He spoke the world into Existance!!