” Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for The Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”- Joshua 1:9
Conflict In The Will of God Is To Be Expected; Three times in the chapter Joshua is told ” be strong, be courageous do not be afraid ( the word means “terrified”) do not be discouraged.” The two prong attack is “fear and discouragement!” Both attacks to the mind to influence the emotions and will! This was not just for Joshua, David had given his own son the same charge!
THE PROMISE; “I will be with you wherever you Go.” How wonderful there is a promise wherever you go, whatever conflict you find yourself in, you find you are not alone. He is present with you ! It is not a matter of “feeling” His presence but of assurance because He had said “I will be with you, wherever you go.” Think on that !
Where you are now, He is with you ! Where you will be in five minutes He is there also. The psalmist asked ,”where can I go from Your presence?” And assured himself that though he go to the furthest and remotest of places even there , He would be. What comfort in the conflict, He and all of His power, attributes is with Him. Fully God, fully present, with you and for you. You are not on your own! He is here ! Hagar in the desert thinking she was alone found out she was not for He was present! David found He could never be alone for He was present. To the disciples whom were sent forth with the mandate to make disciples and the promise He would be with them till the end of the age. Before the conflict came the promise of assurance He would be with them! To the suffering ones in the book of Hebrews comes the resounding reminder and promise of assurance ” I will never leave you nor forsake you.” They were never alone for He assures, He is present! And though you may not “feel”His presence be assured He is here with you now, for He has promised and He who promises keeps His Word! It is not your performance but His promise that is the resting place!
* Be assured He is always fully present with you. It does not depend on your feelings but on Him who promises, He is faithful!
When tempted to yield to fear and lose heart strengthen yourself with THINKING on who Is with you! The Lord! Think on His character, His promises, His provision. Think on Truth. Trust Him. The Antidote to fear and Discouragement? His Assurance-” I AM WITH YOU WHEREVER YOU GO.”
We may be in different places, but be assured He is with us both, fully present, fully capable, fully in love with us!
You Are Never Alone!
{From The Message “Never Alone ” }