God- the One who spoke the world into existence – is for you!
God who opened the Red Sea and made a way of escape for His people – is for you!
God who provided a sacrifice for Abraham- is for you!
God who enabled David to defeat Goliath – is for you!
God who so loved you He sent His only begotten Son that you should not perish and die in your sin –is for you!
God who had His Son bear His wrath for your sin- is for you!
God who is able to provide for all of your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ- is for you!
God who upholds all things by the power of His Word – is for you!
Circumstances may or may not change “BUT GOD…” who is unchanging – He is – for – you!

When you “feel” down, and the evil one accuses you of your worthlessness- refuse to embrace the lie, why? God- is for you!
When you have failed, feel ashamed, embarrassed, if ostracized, know- God- is forever for you!
When death comes and you draw your last breath know- He who is for you, will lovingly, joyously greet you to forever be with Him because He- is for you!

It is one thing to say,”God is for you,” but to know, because of the mercy of Christ, you can say, “God is for me!” Paul knew this, “.. the Son of God loved ME and gave Himself for ME.” {Gal 2:20}. And with Paul you too are part of the “God is for US.”- Paul speaks of in Romans 8:31.. How wonderful…
God- Is For You!

“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”- Romans 8:31

Rejoice In His Sovereignty, Rest In His Sufficiency, Reach out and encourage someone with this truth…


{From the message,”God Is For You.}