When Saul was converted and the disciples were afraid to identify with him it was BARNABAS who came alongside him and stood with the ex persecutor and commended him. When John Mark was rejected it was Barnabas who came alongside and stood for and with him. We can all choose to be a Barnabus identifying with those who like us fail and stand with them. Failure is not final for the follower of Christ. It’s easy to walk away. It takes courage and compassion to stand with and for those who have failed. Barnabas, son of encouragement, was such a one! Paul and John Mark didn’t turn out too bad! They both had Barnabus stand with them in time of difficulty and failure.
Everyone needs a Barnabas… You can choose to be a Barnabas in someone’s life today. To come alongside to strengthen and encourage them and reassure them with words and deeds of compassion, encouragement! It begins with self denial, preferring others. It is a love issue. Love for others. Committed to their highest good for God’s Highest honor and goals. It is a conscious choice to be others conscious. It is compassion in action. It takes courage. It is Christlike!
Everyone needs a Barnabas- we may all agree on, and even be a bit upset because we are looking for OTHERS to be a Barnabas to us, and upset they are not and as a result walk away.Even a bit self righteous and feeling hurt, to feeling resentful, to feelings of bitterness, because others are not being this to us. We take offense, become offended, and can either gather with others and all agree that Everyone needs a Barnabas and fail to see we are seeking to be served rather than emulating our Lord who came not to be served BUT To serve! So it is not enough to agree that everyone needs a Barnabas, and expecting that others are here to serve us in that capacity and not see we are responsible to LOVE others. We individually, corporately are responsible in…Choosing To Be a Barnabas-to Look out for the welfare of others. It takes awareness, commitment, compassion, and begins with you choosing with the help of God to emulate and BE A Barnabas to Others, and acting on it!
Someone needs your support and encouragement, compassion today. Pray For Him to help you “see” others and then to Be their Barnabas– for Jesus sake and their spiritual well being, highest good! BE A BARNABAS! It’s a Choice!