The word “Forgetting” means “to willfully neglect.” It means “to cease to be affected by.” Do not allow yourself to be influenced by it.
Let me give you an example. Imagine and for many of us this is not too much of a stretch for some of us, imagine with me in your home in the corner of a room above a high bookcase is a potted plant. It is there, that is a fact. From time to time you look up and you see it- that is a fact, But you do not expose it to sunlight, you do not give it water, you do not give it any nutrients to help with its growth, as a matter of fact- you choose to ignore it. You choose to “willfully neglect” it- you do not give it any of your time, or attention. You choose to give your thoughts to other more important things. You have made this calculation and make choices about what you will think on and pursue with your thoughts! You make conscious decisions! You do not dwell on the plant! So in the spiritual realm- the fact is we all have pasts’ sinful pasts, failures, things we are deeply ashamed of- not because of what others would think of us if they found out {though some of us may have that fear of man- which is sin!}, but that we have sinned against God and this new heart we have – and tenderness to the Lord that is now part of who we are and we no longer take delight in sin! Paul chose not to dwell on his past, as it would impede his moving forward progressing in his faith.
“Forgetting,” what lies behind, not that you never remember it, or doesn’t come to mind, but you choose not to be influenced by it. Remind yourself, that it will not help you to press on to pursue Him, so you recognize, refuse to dwell on it and anything that hinders, detracts, bogs you down.
It’s like someone inviting you to jump into quicksand…and you know it is insanity…to jump into it will only grip and pull you down to sink and destroy you. When we choose to ponder what God commands us to forget we choose “spiritual quicksand,” it will pull us down, emotionally, and spiritually. You have been there before, you have made choices as have I, it is spiritual madness, and bondage, and Jesus died to liberate us from living there! -{Read Gal 5:1}. “BUT GOD…” has given us the POWER not to do so, How? Choosing by faith to THINK on TRUTH- His Word, and TRUST Him and what He says and choose to exercise the power we have and therefore “forgetting what lies behind and pressing on…” to Know Him and be like Him in our thinking, motivations, speech, and actions.
REPLACE your thoughts with those which help you pursue Him! Philippians 4:8 says “whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is praiseworthy…let your mind DWELL on these things.” You ask yourself is this truth that God wants me occupied with? If not, choose to replace the thoughts with His Truth. His Son is Truth. His Word Truth {John 1:17}. Be preoccupied with Him and His Word, “magnificent promises,”-{2 Pet 1:3-4}! Choosing to “set, fix your affections on things above where Christ is seated…”-{Col 3:1-3}. He is seated in the place of Sovereign authority, and He commands you and enables and encourages you, you can cease to be affected any longer by things of the past. Choose by faith to embrace His Word and press on, living in the present with the Savior!
Your past is not your present, so don’t drag it into the moment and live under it.
Ask yourself, does this thought turn me to Jesus or away from Him? Then take the appropriate response, change who and what you are thinking on, or continue thinking about Him and His Word!
You are free to presently pursue Him. You have the POWER to Choose what to think about and Who will influence you.{Read Phil 2:13}. Think Rightly about God!