” You are My friends if you do what I command you.”-{John 15:14}
Our response to His making us His friends, is not one of trying to appease Him, for that would be to insult His Son’s Cross, but out of gratitude as you and I slowly grow more in the realization of His love, the cost, the cross, the choice despite our inward spiritual corruption, we can choose to express the response of friendship to Him. Obedience is not that we seek to attain friendship but an evidence of friendship. We don’t obey to be His friends, but we choose to obey because He has made us His friends,” I have called you friends”-{John 15:14}. We love Him because He first loved us.- {1 John 4:19}. Obedience is an expression of love for Him. His Love has freed us from the power and dominion of sin as master over us and liberated through His the work for us. We are free to obey, to love. {Gal 5:1}. His love motivates and empowers us by His Spirit. -{Gal 2:20;John 14:15-17}.
He is a loving, faithful Friend, who set His love upon you before the world began, knowing all about you, and sent His Son to take care of the sin issue between you and Him and has made you and calls you “…friend!” You are who and what He says of you. God calls you, “…friend!” It is not based on your performance but solely on His choice of you through the work of His Son, His performance alone!
God Calls you His Friend {John 15:14}. And such you are eternally!
Obedience is an expression of love for Him.