His Delays Are Not His Denial.
I had someone write me and ask, “What if God does not help? I had replied He always helps, it may not be how we expected. He is faithful.- {2 Tim 2:13}. But there are times in the trial we confuse His delays as His denials. And this is not always so! In Psalm 13 David four times in two verses asked “How Long O LORD?” He came to two wrong conclusions about Him in his circumstances, that He had forgotten and abandoned him. He had been told he would be king, and now he was on the run from Saul and weary in the midst of the constant harassment. He looked at his circumstances and concluded His delay was his denial. Not so. It was not His time yet to put David on the Throne. His delays are not necessarily His denials! In v 3- he prays and v 6 he says “I will sing to the LORD, because He had dealt bountifully with me.” The LORD reminded him of how good He had been to him and he chose, “I will sing to the LORD, BECAUSE…” Think and ask Him to remind you to remember His goodness in your time of difficulty. God gives a song amidst the sorrows! As things are now, does not mean they will end this way. He is in charge and nothing can thwart Him bringing about His will. We can see from God developing David’s faith in Him, that His delays do not nulify His promises. He has His time time table to bring about His placing David on the throne for His glory. A Time of delay does not mean God is not at work. He was at work in David’s circumstances as He is in yours.
What to do as you wait ?
- KNOW- His Delays are not necessarialy His denials-
- DO – Pray to Him.
- DO – Sing of His goodness –
- DO – Focus on Him –
- DO- Continue to love and do good to others