I had someone write and ask me, “What if i ask the Lord for help but He decides not to help?”
My answer ;
He Can’t do that. That would be to deny Himself, “He remains faithful.” He may, like Mary and Martha when they sent word to Him regarding Lazarus illness, waits and does not help immediately but tells them later “…did I not tell you if you only Believe you will see the Glory of God.” Or with Paul when He asked for help to be delivered from “the thorn.” He did something different so he would be kept from spiritual pride, depend upon Him and experience His sufficient grace and power in weakness.{2 Cor 12:7-10}. He will always help. It may not be what we ask for, or in the way we think or it may be delayed according to our time table, but not His. It was the fourth watch of the night – they say in the darkest part, and then He came to the terrified disciples on the water. His delay was not His denial. It was used of Him, all to incite faith in Him. Same as John 6:1-6, The great impossibility… They looked and concluded wrongly, no way could it be done. But they didn’t include Him. “He tested them for He Himself knew what He was going to do .” -{John 6:6}. He is always in charge!
- Pray. Commit it to Him
- Don’t lean to your own understanding
- Acknowledge Him and He WILL direct your paths -{Prov 3:5-6}
- Do the next Right thing before you.
We will pray for help that comes from Him – Psalm 121:1,” my help comes from The LORD, maker of Heaven and earth.” Help is obtained at His throne, “Come to the Throne of grace…to receive mercy grace help in time of need .”- {Heb 4:15-16}. The way it is written is”the needy one’s,”are to come. If you are needy He says,”come, confidently to receive, mercy, grace, help…”-“He remains faithful. He cannot deny Himself!” The attack on the mind is to attack your faith in Him with accusations against Him, Then … Doubts arise. But His Word is our sufficiency,our shield of faith against the fiery darts that attack our mind. We read,” But God…” It is written… I the LORD do not change….when we are faithless He REMAINS Faithful… Pray lest you faint… ” {Matt 4,4,7,10, Malachi 3:6; 2 Tim 2:13; Luke 18:1}.
“If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.” – {2 Tim 2:13}
{From the message,”Faith Attacked, Faith Devloped, Faith Displayed}