..is what I call this prayer. It is a prayer I have prayed for my daughter.  I have taken several verses and have prayed this for her from these over the years…

“LORD,I PRAY, that…
the JOY of The Lord would Strengthen Mary -{Neh 8:10} and that
The PEACE of God,which surpasses all understanding would Guard her heart and mind, In Christ -{Phil 4:6}, that…
The LOVE of God, would Comfort her and Instill confidence in You and Inspire her to Trust and Rest in You, and Testify of You, and continually live for You. Loving You with all of her heart and  others-{*Psalm 119:76;John 15:9; Gal 2:20; 2 Cor 5:13-15; Luke 10:27}
And HOPE would Abound by the power of Holy Spirit so that she would overflow in Hope – {Rom 15:13}

You can make this your own prayer for someone… putting the person’s name in the place of “Mary…her…she…” You can pray it for one of your children, grandchildren, spouse, parent, pastor, missionary, or… anyone!!! Praying that they would experience His Joy. His Peace. His Love. His Hope! Resting in Him. Trusting Him. Testifying of and to Him!

It is a prayer I  have prayed for her in the morning’s from my sick bed over these past few years, and at times for all of my children by faith, … You can also pray it for yourself.

At times it helps me to Think and guide me in helping me pray, SPECIFICALLY for her. It’s not a “magic formula,” or a vain repetition, but a prayer based on Scripture to help guide me in my thinking to pray to Him for her, to ask Him to do what only He can do, and delights to do, and answer prayer according to His will, as revealed in His Word!

He has the Power and to Him, like you… I make my plea!

* Is there someone you can THINK of now and pray this for them?

* Maybe copy the prayer and put in a place you can see it regularly {Bathroom mirror… side of bed …} and use as a reminder to pray it for others.

Sometimes my prayers are as simple, desperate, dependent and as deep as “Help Lord!” Other times it can be to try pray the Scriptures, or principles from them, and out of such has come what I call “Mary’s Prayer” after my daughter.  It just helps me focus, reign in my thoughts, when my mind can be going in so many directions. It helps me concentrate my thoughts…maybe this will be of help to you…which is my main reason in sharing what is personal to me.

Hope this encourages you. Have a great day…Keep Praying!

“The Best Is yet To Come!”