If Prayer Was Always “easy”
* He wouldn’t Tell Us To Persevere or we will spiritually Faint, Pass Out, if we stop!

“Pray lest you Faint {Lose Heart}”- {Luke 18:1}

* He wouldn’t tell us It involves Hard Work, if it didn’t…”LABOR” –

“Epaphras, who is…always labouring fervently for you in prayers.”– {Col 4:12}

The Greek word Paul used for Epaphras’ prayers translated “labouring fervently” in Colossians is the word “agōnizomai.” It is the English word conveyed—”AGONIZE”

* He wouldn’t tell us how to spiritually”stay alert/ awake” if there was not the temptation for us to spiritually “fall asleep!”-

“Devote yourselves to praying, STAYING ALERT with thanksgiving…”-{Col 4;2}

{The word used by Jesus when He spoke to disciples in Gethsemene … about physically staying. “awake”… in Col 4;2 it is speaking about spiritually staying alert, awake in prayer…through THANKSGIVING}


Pray – WHEN you don’t “feel” like Praying, turn that temptation into PRAYER ...