“…and will go in and out…” -{v9}

The phrase, was a Hebrew phrase for describing a life that is absolutely safe and secure to go about one’s business. If the country was under attack, surrounded by an enemy, the people had to stay inside the city walls for protection. But if they were at peace and the ruler was upholding the law and order then the people could come and go in safety and securely. This is the idea here, that the sheep can come in and out to find pasture as they pleased, because of the provision of The Good Shepherd. It’s the idea of living every day as Deuteronomy 28:6 says, “You will be blessed when you COME IN and blessed when you GO OUT.” Psalm 121:8, ”  The Lord will KEEP YOUR GOING OUT and your COMING IN from this time forth and forevermore.” Psalm 23:4-5, “Even though I walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for YOU ARE WITH ME; YOUR  and YOUR staff, they comfort me. YOU prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.”

In Acts 9;28 -speaks of after Paul was converted, and Barnabas introduced  him to the apostles and they had come to believe he really had been converted and was one of them  and they trusted him it says Paul was with hem ,” moving about freely in Jerusalem.” Literally, the Greek means he was “GOING IN AND OUT,” in Jerusalem.

While that shows the freedom Paul had, in the Spiritual realm for those who come through “The Door,” there is Perfect Freedom, Liberty, no bondage, no spiritual shackles. Freedom In Christ!

A DOOR  not only provides access, entrance but also provides Protection, SECURITY. For it can be closed to lock out  intruders and keep safe those inside!

A shepherd was showing a tourist his enclosure and told them, ‘when the sheep go in they are perfectly safe.’ The tourist asked,”Why doesn’t your pen have a door on it?’ The shepherd replied, “I am the Door. After my sheep are in the pen, I lay my body across the opening. No sheep will step over me and no wolf can get in without getting past me first.” Jesus uses metaphors to illustrate to us so we can understand, and He is the Good shepherd, “I am THE Good shepherd; THE good shepherd lays down {sacrifices] His life for the sheep”-{John 10:11}. Again not the word “THE'” not “a” as one of many but He and He alone is “THE” Good Shepherd, who unlike the hired shepherd who when danger comes abandons the sheep out of concerned or self preservation. Jesus lays down His life for the sheep, such is His commitment, love for them. How tender, courageous and committed is He!

Because He is the Good Shepherd, He is not only “THE DOOR”- of Salvation but Security. He is the protector of our soul’s. He is our  soul’s Security. It does not mean HIS followers do not encounter troubles for He Himself said “in this world you will have trouble.. but be of good cheer I have overcome the world.” James wrote, “when” not “if,” but “when you encounter various trials…”{James 1:2;} Troubles are inevitable, but our soul’s are “‘kept by the power of God.”{1 Peter 1:5}. “Kept” means ‘protected,’ they are  kept “secure” by God Himself, which is reason Peter says to Praise the Father for! Jesus said, “…and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.”-{John 10:28}. Look at that double blessing; Double SECURITY; “… They will never perish and no one will snatch them out of My hand.” Safe and Secure in JESUS! Jesus is “THE DOOR…” To Salvation and SECURITY!