” The What If’s”

The Bible teaches the purpose of our mind is to … Love God… And so we can see an attack on the mind of individuals including His people is the two prong attack to distract us from devotion to loving God and living moment by moment relating all to Him and deriving Hope in the midst of what are at times life’s difficulties.

The two prong attack, is not new. It’s a battle that goes on in the mind’s of people throughout the ages. The evil one shoots, what Ephesians 6:16 call,” fiery darts.”


Thoughts that seek to inject fears . Fears of the future, the ” what if’s.”
What if…things don’t turn out What if… We fail What if…the list is endless of future fears is something the evil one seeks to inject into our mind so as not to live in the NOW!

Another way the evil one seeks to occupy and distract our minds from loving God , is …


So the two prong attack is fears of the future and failures of the past and the purpose is all to keep you from living in the, “NOW,” Looking away to Jesus .

If you are fishing and catching fish you do not change your bait if you are catching fish, why not? Because  it works !
Neither will the evil one if he is “catching” you through shooting thoughts of Fears of the Future Or Failures of the Past and you CHOOSE to embrace them! Its Time to cut “bait!”

Don’t worry about the future. God’s grace is present tense- moment by moment grace! {Read 2 Cor 12:9}
Don’t live thinking on the failures of your past there is no future there.{Read Phil 3:13}

To choose to live in the fears of the future is to invite anxiety into your present.

To live in the failures of the past is to invite despair to overwhelm your present… now, who in their right mind would CHOOSE To live there in their thinking? WE DO!! Why? Because we choose to!!

Philippians 4:8 says ” to think on the truth…let your minds dwell there.” The truth is God has taken care of our past, “mercy and goodness shall follow me all the days of my life.”-Psalm 23. There is goodness for my steps and mercy for my sins. This is to be our view – His goodness and mercy is what is in our past. HE IS GOOD AND HE IS MERCIFUL! The Future is a Person,  for the LORD IS my Shepherd, I shall not want.”- My future is a Person, the Lord Jesus, the Shepherd of our souls, who went ahead of us all the way to the cross before we were even born! He knows the future, will not be surprised by it for He is not confined to it or in fear of it for He has conquered sin, death, satan and sits as Sovereign King over all. Rest in Him. Rejoice in Him…in the NOW {1 Timothy 1:17}

Choose to live in the now. Living in the NOW looking away to Jesus,{ seeking first as the priority of your life the kingdom of God knowing He is faithful.{Read Heb 12:2;Matt 6:33, 1 Cor 1:9}. He had never failed to keep a promise and He will not begin with you !

* Rest in His love for you
* Rejoice in the Lord’s faithfulness
* Recognize and reject YIELDING to the FEARS OF THE FUTURE and on THE FAILURES OF THE PAST!

* Live in the Now…THINKING ON JESUS CHRIST, His person, His promises and be about His business Now! Kingdom Business  – Matthew 6:33!