” Ah Sovereign LORD, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! NOTHING is too difficult for You,”- {Jer 32:17} –

Because He is ‘SOVEREIGN’ absolute ruler therefore ‘NOTHING’ is outside of His ability to do.

‘SOMETHING’ We can say “yes but “SOMETHING” is outside of His control, power.” What is that “SOMETHING?” What is the” SOMETHING” in your circumstances that you believe is outside His control, ability to do? So GOD says ‘Nothing,’ and you say He is wrong, because you know Something that is outside of His will, Power? Do You place limitations upon Him?

Do you re write, or re-read the verse such as,” Ah Sovereign LORD, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! _______ is too difficult for You.” Fill in what you say, think is beyond His ability? So is He wrong when He says “NOTHING,” AND you think or say other than what He says,are you right, when you contradict Him? Are you being argumentative with GOD?

Note His “CV”- He speaks of


2. His CREATIVE POWER- He made the heavens and the earth

3. His UNLIMITED POWER- “Nothing…absolutely “NOTHING is too difficult for You!”

* Feed your faith or feed your fears.

* Take your Thoughts captive or they will take you captive.

* His Word is giving to shape our thinking, renew our mind, inspire and strengthen our faith, to live by faith in Him, taking Him at HIS WORD, to know Him better and do His will more consistently.

Memorize, meditate and celebrate Him with Praise, thanksgiving and incorporate into your prayers and when tough situations arise remember Him and place Him between you and the circumstances With such a verse.

He says “NOTHING”is too difficult for Him – Take Him at His Word!

“Whatever the Lord pleases, He does,In heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deeps.”- {Psalm 135:6} –

” Ah Sovereign LORD, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! NOTHING is too difficult for You,”- {Jer 32:17}