To Know who you are “in Christ” is imperative if you are to stand against the onslaught of the evil one and in order to go forward in love amidst demonic opposition with the Gospel of grace. The enemy of your soul as he did with Eve in the garden will point out what you “don’t have” but he or the worlds system will never tell you not “what” or Whom you do have and who you are, for that would glorify God and encourage you when you look at things from God’s perspective. Indeed the “world’s systems” focus on “SELF” esteem” which is void and hollow, for “self” never sustains satisfaction, apart from fleeting pleasures, and is never the focus of meeting the need of the person, while Scripture focus’s on CHRIST esteem, who you are in Him and this by God’s doing, to God’s glory.{Read 1 Cor 1:30}. You are SPIRITUALLY WEALTHY…Too often we tend to fall back into old ways of thinking rather than seeing who we are “In Christ,”… “New creatures in Christ!” A New standing with God, a new family we are adopted into. A new Master, new power, new promises, new position with and before God. You are not who you were because of Whose you are! SPEAK THESE truths to yourself, and PRAISE HIM after each one…

“In Christ,” I am Eternally wealthy and I can confidently say…

A – I Am Accepted In Christ – Eph 1:6
B.- I Am Blessed In Christ – Eph 1:3
C.- I Am Complete In Christ – Col 2:10
D.- I Am Delivered from the authority of darkness through the Finished Work of Christ- Col 1:13
E.- I Am Eternally Secure In Christ- John 10:29
F. – I Am Forgiven In Christ- Col 1:14
G.- I Am Gifted because of Christ to serve the Body of Christ – I Pet 4:10
H.- I Am Holy before God in Christ – 1 Cor 1:30
I. – I Am In Christ by Gods doing – 1 Cor 1:30
J. – I Am Justified – Rom 5:1
K.- I Am Known by Name – John 10:27
L. – I Am Loved- Rev 1:5
M – I Am the Recipient of Great Mercy- 1 Peter 1:3
N – I Am Never Alone – Heb 13:5
O – I Am One with Christ- Rom 7:4
P – I Am a Purchased Possession – 1 Cor 6:20
R – I Am Redeemed through the Blood of Christ – Eph 1:7
S – I Am Saved from the Wrath of God to Come- Rom 5:9
T – I Am following in the train of Christ’s Triumph – 1 Cor 2:14
U.- I Am United to Christ- Rom – 7:4
V. – I Am Victorious in Christ – 1 Cor 15:57
W – I have Wisdom from the Word of Christ- Col 3:15-16
Today, Tomorrow and every day this week and every day for the rest of your life…See yourself as He sees you and rejoice in Him who loves you and makes it all true for you “In Christ.” Because of what He has done for you…you are Spiritually Rich “In Christ.”
PRINT OUT the list above and place in your Bible or on a Mirror in your bathroom so that you can look and be reminded to see the truth of who God sees you as!
Speak to yourself often these truths to encourage your heart and strengthen your faith and primer to praise God for such extravagant riches bestowed upon you “In Christ.”
Share this truth with two believers TODAY to encourage them in their faith of the kindness of God and the great blessings which are eternally yours and theirs “IN CHRIST” by God’s doing.
Build your faith up by thinking on TRUTH what is TRUE of YOU This moment and forever more. See yourself as God sees you and say what God says about you, “In Christ!” To Him be the glory, honor and praise forever and ever!

Also what great motivation to share with the lost what Christ has done and what they can become “In Christ!”

“I Am” who God says I Am, and all whom God says I am “IN CHRIST!”