“Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will  PRAISE HIM AGAIN—my Savior and my God!”-{Psalm 42:11}

There are times when sin, our sin, leaves us discouraged and our heart sad. Discouraged for what we said, didn’t say, actions done or undone. Our sin against God and at times we turn inward rather than upward to Him with repentance and gratitude for the reception of His Son’s sacrifice on our behalf and the promise, “If we confess our sin He is faithful and just to FORGIVE From all unrighteousness.”{1 John 1:???}. And  so often we live by what we “feel,” rather than what He says! If we don’t” feel forgiven, we can tend to again and again plead with Him to forgive us, when He already has. We doubt whether we used the right words, we doubt did we really repent enough and in reality we lean to our own understanding, and in reality exalting ourselves to the place of God in deciding whether we decide ultimately, if we are forgiven based on our performance, how “we feel,” what “we feel” or don’t “feel” rather than what His Word declares and we can end up living dishonoring Him and emotional roller- coaster lives. It takes “faith”to live so. “Faith” in self, and one’s feelings which are elevated as the ultimate authority to the displacing and relegating of God and His Word. As well as faulty thinking on our behalf that needs to be renewed we have an accuser,who seeks to condemn us constantly. Accusing us before God and accusing our mind.

The enemy would have you sin conscious and lead and leave you looking at sin,The Holy Spirit would have  you Savior conscious who has dealt with your sin!

We are called to “…live by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.”{Matt 4:4}. And His Word is “True.”-{John 17:17} and “forever settled in Heaven.”-{1 Peter 1:24} . His Word is our authority as it is God’s to us! So we look at forgiveness and we have reason for hope, we have reason for PRAISE. So we can lift the cloud of discouragement and banish it in the light and truth of His Word and PRAISE Him.

We can say,

“LORD I PRAISE You for …”

Your PROMISE of Forgiveness- {Heb 8:12}

Your PROVISION for my sin to be Forgiven -[1 John 1:7,9, Rev 1:5}

The PERMANENCE of Your Forgiveness  -{Col 2:13-14}

For ERASING All my sin -{Col 2:13-14?}

You for PAYING the COST through Your Son – {Gal 2:20}

For Your GRACE to Forgive which INCITES Praise -{Eph 1:7}

for PERSONAL Forgiveness -{      }

The Psalmist says” AGAIN,” I will Praise Him AGAIN…” Maybe you have been discouraged, sad, over your sin, but don’t live without hope, the certainty God has made PROVISION for your forgiveness through His Son, confess your sin and turn from it and thank Him and PRAISE Him AGAIN for His Provision for you !