“We exult in hope of the glory of God.”-
{Romans 5:2}

You know you’ve heard it a “thousand times,” over the years as you’ve been on a long journey. A Child or several children in the back of a car on long journey interrupting with the question, “Are we nearly there yet? How long more until we‘re there?” They ask persistently… they want to get there… the end of the destination their DESIRE and GOAL… How greater we His children groan for the Unveiling of Himself … “And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children, including the new bodies He has promised us.”-{Romans 8:23 NLT}

Some of us are closer to being there than when we first began to read this… and in one glorious moment we will see HIM! Paul encourages the believers to “Exult in Glory”. The Glorious promise of Future Glory! The Glory of being with God! “…and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory.”-{Romans 5:2}

And we will be equipped with new bodies, to live in His Holy Presence with new bodies which we are told in 2 Corinthians 5… are Incorruptible {v42}; Glorious-{v43}; Powerful-{v43}; Spiritual-{v44}. Yes indeed your next body will be your best body! The Best is Yet to come! You have Him to look forward to. A Glorious Future of Seeing Him, being with Him, and equipped to live with Him with a glorious new body!

My end will not be the coldness of a grave but the eternal warmth of the LOVE of God HIMSELF, our Goal and God Himself our destination. And in light of this glorious God what should be our response as we remain on this earth, whatever our circumstances…Every day we are a day closer to being with Him. In the meantime we are to “EXULT” the word means to confidently Boast, Glory, Greatly Rejoice in this “Future Hope” that awaits you and you have. “We exult in HOPE,” the hope of “CERTAINTY!” The word, “Hope” means “Confident Expectation.”

We have permanent peace with God. -{Rom 5:1} We stand in Grace,{Rom 5;1} in the favor and complete acceptance of God, all these and so much more through our LORD Jesus Christ and we have HOPE!-{Rom 5:1-2} He who saved us will get us safely Home to be with Him in Glory! And we will see the Glory of His Being and have new glorious bodies! Glory, Boast in Him, and the Hope, the confident expectation of this Glorious Future that awaits you!

This “life journey” for some believers can be very very hard, difficult, crushing, “BUT GOD…” wants you to know from His Word that He awaits you in Person and your future is with Him in Glory. You have a glorious life ahead that neither death, nor demons, nor difficulties can rob you of because God has made a promise and will keep it. You have His Assurance. You have a Glorious Future Hope!

“Are we there yet? Are we nearly there yet? How long before we get there…?” Yep, even like a child in the back of a car, we too long for a Destination where God Himself is the fulfillment of this “road trip,” but in the meantime, we are told to “EXULT…”, the word depending on the translation you read may say, “Exult, Glory, Rejoice.” The word speaks of confidently Boasting, Glory, Rejoicing Greatly” in Him and this glorious future we have, Exult in HOPE.

Keep loving people, Keep praying, Keep reaching out and supporting the Gospel…Keep your eyes on Him and His Word and the final destination that awaits you is God Himself!

No matter how hard times are or to distract us from the LORD even the “good times,” yet there will come a time when you will arise from this earth and see Him and GLORY in Him. In the meantime Keep Exulting in the Hope of the Glory of God!

The Best Is Yet To Come…

“Exult ” in Him and this Promise you have of a GLORIOUS FUTURE! –😀

“We exult in hope of the glory of God.”-{Romans 5:2}