“Therefore when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.”- John 19:30

Imagine with me you and I go out for a meal and we get to the counter to pay for it and I choose to pay not only for my meal but yours. The money is exchanged I receive a receipt to say the deal is done the meal is PAID IN FULL. Then imagine you ask to pay for it and are informed that it has been taken care of – all of it- there is nothing for you to pay but to receive the knowledge it is paid for. Imagine you begin to kick up a bit of a fuss that you want to pay for it. You demand to pay for it. People begin to look at you and come to the conclusion there is something seriously wrong with you.

The cashier explains, the manger explains the owner explains to you in turn, calmly the truth that your meal is paid in full. There is nothing to be added to the bill. Relax, enjoy it, be grateful- chill. But oh no- you continue to demand to pay, before you know it the police are called and you are carted off in a white coat to a place for the mentally insane! Sounds crazy doesn’t’ it? SURE IT IS. How much more is it that GOD DECLARES based on the work of His Son that your sin- all- of it is PAID in Full.


On The Cross, Jesus said “IT IS FINISHED”. It is an accounting term, meaning that the debt had been paid in full. Justice had been satisfied by full payment of its penalty, and as a result God could “be just, and the justifier of him which believes in Jesus” (Rom 3:26). “IT IS FINISHED,” in the original means, “PAID IN FULL.” There is NOTHING left that has to be paid. On the cross, The Lord Jesus paid it all for your sin. It is to be RECEIVED and BELIEVED!

Yet how often, you will not believe, receive, appreciate adore Him for it and be amazed at His love but you somehow try to work  to “pay” your own sin bill by trying to work hard enough to “prove” you deserve it. Now you need to know that kind of sinful pride thinking has also been paid for, its time to stop striving, realize you cannot save yourself and start resting in the finished work of the Only One who could satisfy the demands of God- the perfect Lord Jesus Christ!


Having greatly offended Him, He miraculously pardons us- for His Sake, By His doing through His Son the LORD Jesus, through His blood, His sacrifice on our behalf as our Sin Bearer, Substitute. He bore our sin and died that we may live not estranged but as family and pardoned completely and adopted into His family.


What a powerful word. God through His writers conveys some powerful word pictures to us to convey the miracle of His forgiveness…

  • As great as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy—Ps 103:11
  •   As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us—Ps 103:12
  • Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow—Is 1:18
  • have swept away your sins like the morning mists—Is 44:22 (NLT)
  • Erased ALL of your sins  “When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions,  having {He has done this} canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.”– Col 2:13-14

He has erased ALL OF YOUR SINS. There is nor record of sin against you, no not one!

Jesus bore them ALL. Since he bore them, you do not. STOP LIVING  as though he has not. START LIVING in light of the fact, “ALL” your sin record ahs been expunged, canceled, wiped away. No record against you! Such is the power of the Blood of Jesus who paid for them all.

He has “canceled” all of your sins having nailed them to the cross. The word, “cancelled” means “ERASE.” He has ERASED ALL OF YOUR SINS through the Cross of the LORD JESUS.

Since God has paid for them all- IN FULL and has ERASED them permanently so He does not, will not ever hold them against you because He held them once and for all against His Son who has “PAID IN FULL” your sin debt.

  • Believe Him
  • Receive His Word
  • Rejoice in Him
  • Rest – He has forgiven all of your sins
  • Thank Him continually
  • Worship HIM