Laughter Is Good Medicine For The Soul;

I had a call today from someone who is also very ill, and asking me abut an organ transplant -{ no, I don’t need a transplant but somehow they thought I did}. The Conversation went like this…
Person- “Can you get on A Transplant List”
Me- “I’m On The TRANSPORT List”
Person-… went quiet on the phone…long long pause… then the question,”What Is That?”
Me- “The LORD is going to TRANSPORT me into His presence!”
Person- Laughing “YOU’R CRAZY!”

We both had a hearty laugh… Thank God we have a future, and it led into a conversation …, “outwardly we are perishing but inwardly we are being renewed…”- {2 Cor 4:16} and through his own difficulty and empathy he could reach out to others …, thank God in his pain he can laugh – a God thing!- 🙂🙂