“Set your affection on things above where CHRIST IS SEATED…” – {Colossians 3:1-3.}

Jesus Is Seated as SOVEREIGN LORD.

Jesus is seated because He has finished the work the Father has given Him to do.
Jesus is seated as the conquering, victorious One.
Jesus is seated as the Lover of your soul {think on that!}
Jesus is seated as the Life Imparting and Sustaining One.

Jesus is seated as your Advocate.
Jesus is seated as the One who ever lives to intercede for you.
Jesus is seated in the place of absolute authority, over every circumstance and person.

Jesus is seated as the One whose blood continues to cleanse you from all unrighteousness.

Jesus is seated as the One who gives you unlimited access to God. Jesus is your wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption

Jesus is seated at the Throne of Grace to impart mercy, grace and help to the one who is needy.
Jesus is seated as the One who has made it possible for you to have newness of Life.

Jesus is seated as your Friend and Advocate.

Jesus is seated as the One who bore all your sin so you may not die in your sin.

Jesus is seated so you need never again live in condemnation because of Him.

Jesus is seated though He is all powerful yet He is full of compassion towards you.

Jesus is seated as LORD.

Jesus is seated as Lover of your soul.

Jesus is seated as Life

Jesus is seated because He accomplished the will of the Father  having fulfilled His Work on the cross and on the third day was raised again having defeated death, satan and the curse of sin, to make a way for sinners to flee the wrath of God, the penalty of sin to Him who is our refuge, lover of our soul, our life, our deliverer, preserver- Savior and LORD.

JESUS is seated as Conquering King who is approachable, and in Him you find rest for your weary sin sick soul

Jesus is the Friend of sinners

Jesus is seated as the One who is coming again
Jesus is the One we are to FIX our eyes up….Look away to Jesus – consider and contemplate Him, who He is where He is and know all is well because it is JESUS– who alone is on the Throne!


* Contemplate Jesus,

* Celebrate Jesus –

* PRAISE THE LORD JESUS… Read back over the above truths about Him and use as  fuel for your praise to Him. Begin each sentence for example, “I PRAISE YOU Jesus Because… Your are my Advocate…I praise You Jesus because You are my Lord… etc…Turn the truths about Jesus into your thoughts and then to PRAISE…

* Share the Love of Jesus and the assurance of Jesus who sits and reigns and love with someone today…

Look Away to Jesus who is seated…! Think on Him…Thank Him…Trust Him, He is trustworthy…. Tell others of Him…pass these truths on to someone to encourage them today to also think on JESUS who is Seated!

Jesus is LORD! Lord of creation, salvation, preservation of your soul, exalted in majesty on High- SEATED- Jesus the Friend of sinners! – YOUR Friend. YOUR Life, YOUR Lover, YOUR LORD!