This morning, Another four hour IV day. And as I was waiting for the preliminaries to get it ready, barely awake, I knew I needed to get my mind on Him and truth … so I began to Thank Him… and here I scribbled down a few things that helped me, hope they may help you too….

Thank You Father for Acceptance. Thank You Father for Access. Thank You Father for Adoption. Thank You Father For Blessings. Thank You Father for Bearing my Burdens daily. Thank You Father for So great Love, Thank You Father for Jesus. Thank You Father for Caring.Thank You Father For Compassion. Thank You Father for Companionship, Thank You Father For Deliverance. Thank You Father for Encouragement, Thank You Father for Your Faithfulness. Thank You Father for eternal Forgiveness Thank You Father for Generosity. Thank You Father You are Good and for Your Goodness to me. Thank You Father For The Holy Spirit. Thank You Father for Graciousness. Thank You father for Hope. Thank You father for Help in time of need. Thank You Father by Your doing I am “In Christ.” Thank You Father for Your Kindness to me. Thank You Father for Your Promises, Thank You Father for your permanent Presence with me. Thank Your Father for Your Nearness which is my good. Thank You Father for Your Reminders. Thank You Father for Your Reassurance to me. Thank You Father for your kindness that leads to repentance. Thank You Father for Salvation. Thank You Father for a Song amidst the sorrows. Thank You Father for The Scriptures, Thank You Father For Your Tenderness. Thank You Father for Wisdom from above. Thank you Father for the Cross. Thank You Father for Your Great Mercies. Thank You Father my future is settled, my future is with You.

I just wanted to ….Thank You Father!😀

PS.- WHEN you Give Thanks Two things happen. 1.- You are GLORIFYING Him based on Luke 17:18 and 2.- you are DOING THE WILL OF GOD based on 1Thess 5 :18….. So, if you Gave Him thanks from the heart in thanking Him from the above, each time you said Thank You Father, you have Glorified Him and you have done the will of God! How encouraging is that! Sometimes we wonder “what is God’s will for me” and make it so so hard when His Word reveals to us one practical way we can Know and do His will is “In everything give thanks FOR THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD FOR YOU In Christ”- {1 Thess 5:18}…. Keep Giving thanks for He deserves it!

Be a GIVER…of Thanks…to the Father…

May you be filled with joy,always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light.”-{Col 1:11-12 NLT}