THE LOVE OF GOD FOR YOU- is Irrevocable, Intense, permanent, present tense, personal, all because His Love for His Son is so, and you are “In Christ,” by God’s doing {See 1 Cor 1:30} As a coin that is placed in the palm of your hand and when you close your hand the coin is no longer seen as the hand, fingers clasped together are wrapped around it, it is hid, not visible to others, your life is “hid with God in Christ.” -{See Col 3:1-3}.

Your life is hid with God in Christ and your “acceptance is in the Beloved,” – {Read  Ephesians 1:6} and He has a new name for you, it is “…the Beloved of God.”-  {Romans 1:7} Three times the Heavens opened up during Jesus ministry upon the earth and the Father said,”This Is My BELOVED SON in whom I am well pleased….” and now by God’s doing you are His Beloved! Paul says this in Colossians 3:12, “Beloved…”. The Greek word agapao is used to speak of something that is beloved—treasured—something so precious that the person (in this case, God) would be loath to part with it.”-{sermon writer}

What a name, He bestows upon you. “…Beloved of God.” You  did not earn it, inherit it but were gifted it through the perfect work of the Lord Jesus on your behalf. Adopted into the family of God, forever more Accepted and Beloved!

God’s Love for you is a settled issue through the perfect work of Jesus Christ.

His Love for you is independent of you.

It does not depend on you.

His love does not ebb and flow.

His is not a “He loves me, He loves me not.” His love is settled concerning YOU! His heart is for you  “In the fullness of time He sent forth His Son…” {Gal 4:4}…”the Lamb of God was slain before the foundation of time.”- {Rev 13:8}

You were not an afterthought, you were in the mind and heart of God before time began as we know it. In the eternal heart of God.

HE had set His love upon you before He ever spoke the world into existence!


“For God so loved He Gave …..”  John 3:16
“The Son of God loved me and Gave Himself up for me….” Gal 2:20
“But God being rich in mercy because of His GREAT {the word speaks of intensity} LOVE….”- Eph 2:4-6
“To Him who {CONTINUALLY} LOVES US…”-Rec 1:5-6
“Abide/Remain/REST… in My Love”-John 15

STOP– striving for acceptance with God. REST in the FACT you are LOVED by God, and yes, our sin does grieve Him {Eph4}, for you can only grieve someone who intensely loves you with a love that is permanent, and He alone possess such love and can maintain such love for all eternity towards you. But nothing absolutely nothing can seperate you from the love of God in Christ {See Romans 8:31-35.}

REJOICE in the ONE who loves you!

THANK HIM NOW- THAT HE LOVES YOU… and as  a result remember you have God’s Glorious assignment for you to LOVE Him and Love OTHERS.”By this all men will KNOW you are My disciples by Your Love for one another”- John 13:34-35

MAY YOU CELEBRATE HIM and His love for you, that same love that can penetrate the hardest of hearts and CHANGE us…. go forward in confidence.

THINKING much on the Love of God for you, His sending of His Son, the Cross of Christ, the cost of forgiveness to Him and His resurrection that shows the laws demands were paid, sin was dealth with and God accepted the perfect sacrifice of His Son on your behalf that He raised Him from the dead to declare IT IS SO!!!

BE THANKING Him much for His Love and DEMONSTRATING Love to others as you derive and depend for all from the Spirit of God to do so.
“•Loved with everlasting love,
Led by grace that love to know;
Spirit, breathing from above,
Thou hast taught me it is so.
Oh, this full and perfect peace!
Oh, this transport all divine!
In a love which cannot cease,
I am His, and He is mine.

•Heaven above is softer blue,
Earth around is sweeter green;
Something lives in every hue
Christless eyes have never seen:
Birds with gladder songs o’erflow,
Flow’rs with deeper beauties shine,
Since I know, as now I know,
I am His, and He is mine.

•Things that once were wild alarms
Cannot now disturb my rest;
Closed in everlasting arms,
Pillowed on the loving breast.
Oh, to lie forever here,
Doubt and care and self resign,
While He whispers in my ear,
I am His, and Denise Henley is mine.

•His forever, only His:

Who the Lord and me shall part?
Ah, with what a rest of bliss
Christ can fill the loving heart.
Heaven and earth may fade and flee,
Firstborn light in gloom decline;
But, while God and I shall be,
I am His, and He is mine.”