PSALM 46:1-3 – ” God is our refuge and strength, a very PRESENT HELP in times of TROUBLE.”

The word, “Trouble, “{thlpsis-}  means, “Narrow, A Pressing together, under pressure, oppression, affliction distress, anything that weighs one’s spirit, suffering which results when circumstances of life press hard on the soul.” We can all relate in some way to trouble {Thlpsis}.  The psalmist speaks of  what we call, “in between a rock and a hard place.” He is speaking from personal experience. What he says is not theory but a present reality to him, “BUT GOD…” he says, God IS a VERY PRESENT HELP -{“Boetheos”}= WHO RUNS TO GIVE US ASSISTANCE UPON HEARING OUR CRY FOR HELP. ” Who is his present help? For not anyone will do. Fill in the blank line with anything or anyone you are looking to, trusting in for help and see if they are greater, grander and more gracious than God. “______ is a very present help in time of need. ” Who did you think of? What did you think of? Are they capable of doing what the Psalmist said only,”GOD,” could do for him. “God,” to him was more than a name, HE was a Person to him, in whom he could confide, and have confidence in. Creator God, Faithful God in whom nothing is too difficult for,”Ah, Sovereign LORD, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched hand, NOTHING IS TOO DIFFICULT FOR YOU”-{Jer 32:17}. The Psalmist TESTIFIED of the GOD WHO IS… PRESENT…POWERFUL… Greater than all, his rock in the hard place, and he TESTIFIES to HIS faithfulness to the One he had come to know in times of “trouble.” Where is “GOD?” He is Present. He is an ever present Help!

Think on this- While we often want to avoid troubles at all cost, God uses troubles to TESTIFY of himself to us of who he is that we may know HIM DEEPER AND MORE PERSONALLY! And in turn we can TESTIFY of what God has proven Himself to us as…to Others.

He TESTIFIES of HIMSELF to us. We in Turn TESTIFY of Him to others. And that is the “good” that can come out of where? Troubles!

Where Is God in your time of trouble? Ever present with you, to Help!