We “LOOK” WITHIN – TO EXAMINE our lives by God’s grace TO LAY aside what would entangle from this “weights” and sin that “entangle” us from being about THE FATHER’S BUSINESS. We “LOOK WITHIN”- Not in some morbid way or not for Condemnation- For the Lord Jesus bore our condemnation upon the cross at Calvary, and for those who have been Born again by the Spirit of God , “there is therefore NOW NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ Jesus.”-{Romans 8:1}…We “LOOK WITHIN”- To Aid in our PREPARATION- to “Run the Race.” Just as an athlete Prepares to be the best he or she can be, paying close attention to their life style, diet and training, denying themselves of things even “good” things or things that are “lawful” and that multitudes enjoy, be it types of food, late nights etc. But an athlete in training, is not like the casual jogger or Sunday afternoon football player in the park. They are at the top of their field or striving to be and so they deny themselves and discipline themselves in order to be at their peak for their event and competition. They take precaution with their PREPARATION. They examine the latest techniques, anything to help them to aspire in the race. So, we followers of the Lord Jesus must remember we have been purchased by the precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are not our own … and we are here as His Ambassadors, representing Him and are to conduct ourselves with reverence and live for Him. Let us make careful Consideration and PREPARATION that we are not entangled lest we fail to be all that God would have us to be for the Glory of His Son. Lay aside those things, sin and weights, that would dampen, divert, dishonor Him or pursuing Him and His business!

Look with the purpose of Evaluation for Preparation to run looking for Jesus