“I will gladly spend myself and all I have for you, even though it seems that the more I love you, the less you love me.”- {2 Cor 12:15}.

“SPEND” the word was used of money,{Mark 5:26,Lk 15:14.Acts 21:24}, and spending freely, liberally.

The “currency,” is not financial but  your life!

The “currency,” is  faithful love, which you have the power to use for the benefit of others!

It is the spending of one’s life freely, not begrudgingly, bitterly, but “Gladly,” selflessly, lovingly, with the aim of another’s good, as this is His revealed will for me and you concerning others! The most miserable is a “miser,” someone who “clings,” to what he has, how tragic that to “seek to save your life” and clutch to “rights,” and getting your own way, leads to bondage and misery, when His revealed will, is you “spend,” your life for His sake and you are liberated, because love liberates and is generous, sacrificial and cares for others. Look at the cross! Don’t be a ‘miser,’ be a Big Spender!

This is His revealed will for you, to not cling to your life but “spend,” your life, gladly, selflessly for others highest good, knowing you are honoring Him as you do!

“I will most  GLADLY spend myself,” it’s a superlative adjective expressing elation. We might say, “thrilled to bits, delighted,” to spend myself freely. All I have and am, until I am fully spent, though the more I love you, the less you love me… I will gladly, ecstatically, spend and be spent for your benefit, for your good, I will spend…my life…gladly…sacrificially…loving you! I CHOOSE to Spend my life loving, preferring you. What kind of “spender” are you? Spend well, Spend lavishly, freely, unlimited love on others. “By this all men will know you are My disciples by your Love for one another”-{John 13:34-35}

“I Spend… MYSELF …and ALL I HAVE FOR YOU.”  You are not asking others to do what you are not willing to do. It is to take personal responsibility. Whatever about others I will gladly spend MYSELF!” But not a part of me but wholeheartedly- “ALL of me, ” and this I “WILL” do…for …you! It is the REALITY of the Cross revealed in a life! Others orientated, even when you are not loved as you love, you choose to Do love! Not withholding but spending all of you lovingly, laying down your life to deny yourself in order to prefer others, indeed increasing in love and , deeds of love…”…ourselves YOUR servants, for Jesus sake” He is your Motivation for such a life of selflessness!-{ Read 2 Cor 4:5}

You would think the more you love someone the more appreciative they would be and love in return. But not necessarily so! As Paul shares from this verse. the temptation when such is the response is to withdraw your “love,” but that is not the way of true love, which is to  selflessly love more, to keep loving, irrespective of the response, you do love., You spend your life on loving others….1 John 3:16-18 says ” This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.  If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” Love on! – Your MINISTRY IS-, “…ourselves YOUR SERVANTS,…” -{2 Cor 4:5}. Love On – Your MOTIVATION IS to be – “…for JESUS SAKE!” – {2 Cor 4:5}

Be a BIG SPENDER Today. Spend well, Spend lavishly, the most important resource you have, one thought, one choice at a time… SPEND…your life… even when you are not loved back. It does not depend on how others behave, you are not responsible for them, but you are responsible to the LORD. Love on, irrespective of whether others love you or not or love you less,…Love on, for Jesus sake!!!

What type of “spender” are you? BE A BIG SPENDER…LOVE LARGE, LOVE EXTRAVAGANTLY, LOVE, LAY DOWN YOUR PREFERENCES,…PREFER OTHERS…LOVE SACRIFICIALLY, LOVE ECSTATICALLY FOR JESUS SAKE! What do you have to gibe? Your life. How should you give? Lovingly, gladly, wholeheartedly, holding nothing back, all for Jesus… to benefit…Others!!

BE A BIG SPENDER TODAY! SPEND your life Gladly for others by Doing deeds of LOVE… For Jesus Sake!